Chapter 11

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Alessandro's POV~

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Alessandro's POV~

"You remember?" Damien asks when I get down the stairs.

"Yes. Your wallet." I groan.

"I have my cards in that man. That is why I am asking." He clarifies.

"Could have told me earlier. I would have sent one of my men." Lauren hands me my coffee and I nod at her.

"Then how would you have met your crush?" He quirks a brow at me mischievously.

"What crush?" Francesco enters the room, looking at him curiously.

" know. Our great capo Alessandro De Luca has a crush on someone." Damien announces, looking at me dreamily and clapping his hands in fake excitement. That son of a bitch!

"One more word out of that fucking mouth of yours and your brain will be splattered on the wall behind." I point my cup at him, eyes sharp.

"Easy easy man. Just kidding." Damien leaves the topic, digging in his breakfast.

We three finish our breakfast and I get up from my seat, taking my suit jacket and the car keys.

"You going so soon?" Damien turns to me.

"I have some work before. I will go to take your wallet from there." I inform him, leaving the mansion, not waiting for his reply.


I get out of the car, slamming the door shut behind me and take off my shades, looking at the building in front.

Getting inside the university was not a big task, considering I donate a huge amount here every year. Scrolling through the hallways, I get to her dorm room which is unfortunately locked.

Sighing, I take out my phone, texting the principal, asking if she is in her class. He texts back she is not there. So I just enter the main building, going to the principal's office. I will have to wait till she is found. That fucker Damien will not stop irritating me if I do not get his thing back.

On my way to the principal's office, I notice a girl doing ballet in an empty room, probably the dance hall, making me stop in my tracks. She is dancing so gracefully I can not stop watching her. Ballet is the hardest from of dance but she makes it look so damn easy. I do not think I have ever found dancing so fascinating. Curiosity gets the best of me and I enter the hall, silently approaching her. When I get close enough to see her face, I stop, "Angel" I whisper, eyebrows furrowed.

Now I know why her dancing was so different from others in the club that night. She is a fucking ballet dancer. That is why her moves were so calculated and perfect.

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