Chapter 25

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3rd Person's POV~

Under the dark sky and bright moonlight, there stand two people in each other's embrace, one pushing the other against the hood of his matte black LaFerrari.

"What?" Anastasia asks him, tucking a strand behind her ear, unable to stand under his penetrating gaze.

Alessandro just shrugs, continuing to stare.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" She asks in fake anger.

"Like what?" He raises a brow at her.

"Like I look at my chocolates. Like you want to devour me." She murmurs, shyly and Alessandro leans into her ear, whispering, "Because I do."

Her eyes widen and she snaps her head up at him, "You are shameless!"

He again shrugs nonchalantly. "Am I not allowed to be with my girlfriend?"

Anastasia flicks her gaze left and right on the empty road, making sure there is no one hearing their not-so formal conversation then looks at him. "Someone can see us." She hisses.

"I do not see anyone." He says, not even bothering to take his eyes off of her for a second. "And even if they do. I will poke their eyes out." He presses his body against hers, making her gasp out feeling his hardness against her sensitive core over their clothing and he husks, "Because you, my Angel, belong to me. From the top of your head to the tip of your toes." His eyes roam over her delicate frame and his breath mingles with her uneven ones as she closes her eyes, fisting his shirt in her hold. "You are mine to see, mine to touch, mine to kiss, mine to cherish and even mine to ruin." She sucks a breath as Alessandro presses harder, leaning down to press a kiss against the corner of her mouth, teasing her.

She pleads, crumpling the fabric in her fist, "Please."

His lips brush over the skin around Anastasia's plump ones but never touching where they are needed the most, her pink petals.

She whines, irritated, "Alessandro" and the handsome man just smirks against her, enjoying torturing the little miss innocent a bit too much.

"Say it." He whispers.

"What?" She asks instantly with desperation clear in her voice.

"Say that you enjoyed it last night." He licks the shell of her ear and she shudders.

"No" She is andamant on not bending to his will this time.

Alessandro still continues his verbal torture, completely disregarding her answer, "Say that you loved it when I had your fingers buried deep inside my mouth; licking and sucking." He squeezes her waist and she jumps up in his hold. "Say that you loved it when I took your sweet little mouth without asking, when I had you pinned against the seat just like I have you right now; devouring you whole, swallowing your moans." He pinches her waist, hard. "Say that you love it when I have my way with you, take you without waiting for your consent. Admit that it turns you on when I dominate you."

Alessandro leans his face back a little, scanning her cherry cheeks and brushes his knuckles against them, "You love me dominating you. Do you not, Angel?"

Anastasia forces her eyes to open and tries hard to answer with her erratic heart beats, "I..I-"

"Yeah?" He coaxes her gently, seeing her stutter, proud of his effect on her.

"I love..."

"Yes. You love it, no?"

She shakes her head, too shy to utter those words, "I can not." and hides her blushing face in his chest.

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