Chapter 9

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Anastasia's POV~

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Anastasia's POV~

I just lay there on the bed, and stare up at the ceiling above me with a blank gaze. The rays of sunlight coming from the window, indicate the start of a new day. But not for me. I wish I could stop everything and go back in time.

Having enough of just laying there, I check the phone, seeing it is seven in the morning. I did not bother setting an alarm last night since I am not attending any classes today. Even if I was, I would not need an alarm. The dark circles under my eyes show the lack of sleep.

Having memories after memories bombarding my mind the whole night, I could not close my eyes for a second, afraid that I will not see her again if I close them, that I will loose her again. I could not afford that even if it makes me more restless.

I turn towards my bedside table, picking up the photo frame from there.

Today is 10th of March. Her birthday. She would have turned twenty two this year.

 She would have turned twenty two this year

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(Amelia's photo)

This is the last photo I have of her. The last time she was happy and the last time I got to see her smiling. The last time our family was together.

I took it on our trip to Hamlin Peak, Maine. We went there for our summer vacations that year. I can still recall every moment clearly. She was so ecstatic that we finally got to go there. She and I, we always loved snow.

Little did I know that it would be the last time we were seeing her like this. I would not ever have wanted to come back if I knew what the future beheld.

This picture was taken the day before we returned. A week before our lives took a drastic turn, leaving mom and dad shattered, and me, scarred for a lifetime.

I run my fingers over the photo, admiring her beautiful smile. She was always stronger, bolder, and more independent among the two of us while I was the soft-spoken good girl. But after she left, everything changed. I changed. I am not that timid girl anymore. She would have been so proud seeing me like this. I wish she was here.

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