Chapter 18

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3rd Person's POV~

The dark room smells like piss, sweat and blood. Under the dim lighting there is a man seen hanging upside down from the ceiling. His legs to the roof and arms chained to the walls. Not a piece of clothing is present on him. Deep scars and open wounds run down the entire length of his body.

Each time he struggles against the restraints, the chains tighten their hold around him, making him bleed. His mouth hanging open and eyes droopy from the continuous torture he has had to go through the last days.

"Who do you work for?" Francesco asks the man for the umpteenth time.

"Wa-water...water." The man says, eyes opening and closing.

"First answer the fucking question." Francesco sounds irritated now.

"Water" The half dead man keeps uttering the same words.

Francesco turns his head sideways, waiting for the orders.

"Who are we to deny a dying man's wish?" A deep voice says from the dark.

At his command, a man enters the cell with a bucket full of salted water and pours it all over the hanging man.

At the contact of salt with his already bleeding body, the man starts screaming, tugging at the chains uncontrollably, the room getting filled with his painful voice.

When the noise simmers down a little, he is asked again, "Last chance, who told you to do that?"

"No one, I am telling you no one. Please leave me." The man cries out on the verge of passing out.

"Time is up." The voice from the dark says this time.

The dying man tiredly moves his gaze to the direction of that voice.

Sensing that he is the head of all these men and that if he can convince this man that he is innocent then he may let him leave, the man pleads, "Whoever you are, please leave me. I did not do anything to you. Why are you keeping me here? Just let me go. I swear, I am not working for anyone."

Suddenly, the man that was till now watching everything unfold from the dark comes out, showing his face to the beaten man.

The middle aged man gulps the lump forming in his throat, eyes widening seeing the person in front of him and if he had any hope of having mercy before he does not now.

"So, you mean to say that you had the audacity to go against me," The man points a finger towards himself, an unbelievable expression on his handsome face, "Me? Without any proper back up?"

"I did not..." The bruised man stutters out in his defense.

"I was not done talking." The gorgeous man growls in his face, grabbing his victim's jaw painfully hard and dislocating the bones there instantly with his animalistic force, making him whimper.

"Where were we?" The man turns to his men, pretending to think then turns back facing his prey, "Yeah, so you dared to steal from me without thinking about the consequences."

When the injured man goes to reply again, the pressure on his jaw gets increased.

"I do not fancy hearing a scum's voice. Use the thick head you used when stealing from me."

The man nods his head once shamefully then keeps it down, not daring to meet the powerful man's eyes.

In seconds the man is yelling in pain. Again. As the towering figure grips the man's face hardly, breaking his jaw along with some teeth, the sound of bones cracking resonating all around the room.

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