Chapter 35

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Anastasia's POV:~

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Anastasia's POV:~

Still in his work attire — white shirt, black suit jacket and pants — Alessandro stalks towards us, his gaze fixed on the shivering police officer. A man in his early thirties trails after him while Damien stands back.

Everyone at the police station stands in attention seeing the three of them.

My eyes are following his every movement but he does not look at me, not even for once.

Alessandro stops right beside my chair and after a nod from him the young man steps forward, introducing himself, “I am Gabriele Donato and I will be Ms. Hill's lawyer.”

He then proceeds to take out some papers from his briefcase and puts them on the desk before the officer. “These are the papers needed for my client’s bail.”

Officer Woods runs his hands through the papers, reading them.

“Get up. We are leaving.” Alessandro says, not turning to me.

“But, Mr. De Luca! She can not. Senator still has not-” Officer goes to interrupt.

“She is and I want to see who stops me.” Alessandro looks into his eyes, uttering the words in a darker tone then faces me.

One look at his eyes and I know, I am screwed.

“Get up.” Alessandro orders and I stand on shaky feet, my knees wobbling from how long I have been seated.

Damien beckons me near the door and I silently walk up to him, not daring to look at Alessandro with how angry he seems.

He is mad at me.

As I come closer, Damien wraps a hand around my shoulder protectively, pulling me in his arms and I realize just how much I needed a brotherly hug.

“Come on, Chocopie. We will wait outside.” He says and I offer a small smile, still a bit shaken, nodding my head.

He pulls me along and together, we exit the horrible place, heated voices from the police station accompanying outside.

A queue of expensive cars line up the entirety of the station’s front, all of them completely blacked out, with armed bodyguards facing the team of reporters, desperately trying to catch a glimpse of us. Their microphones and cameras are raised up in the air as they continue to throw outrageous comments to whoever is listening.

I lean more into Damien as they ask about the unknown girl’s identity for whom the business mogul Alessandro De Luca had to come to the police station himself and shut my eyes tightly when they start questioning my relationship with him and assassinate my character.

How easy it is for them to judge someone they do not even know!

Damien, seeing my body shrinking against him, glares at the reporters and hides me further with his much bigger frame.

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