Chapter 4

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Anastasia's POV~

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Anastasia's POV~

As I am looking out the window, Mr. Stranger continues checking his phone, completely ignoring my previous comment. As if I am not even here.

Is it so hard to say a simple 'welcome'?

Huh! Mr. Arrogant Stranger.

My university comes into view and the driver stops the car.

"This one?" He asks me through the mirror and I nod my head.

I turn my head to look at Mr. Stranger, wanting to thank him again for the ride but he seems tired. So, I shake my head and climb out of the car.

"Thanks" I tell the driver and he waves his hand, dismissing me.

I start towards the university building but then a though strikes me.

I turn and poke my head from the window of the back seat of their car, calling out Mr. Stranger, who is quite awake by now, "You said you will send me back my purse with my car but that will take time. How will I manage my expenses by then?"

"What do you need more right now? Your purse or the money?" He asks me, eyes still closed.

"Uhmm..." I think.

"You have five seconds to decide."

"The money of course. What will I do with the purse if there is no money in it. Right?"

He leans over the console and takes a wallet from the front seat.

"Hey, that's mine." The man in the driver's seat exclaims looking at him.

Mr. Stranger pays him no attention just like me and hands me the wallet.

"Take it and leave."

The money bag is quite heavy, perhaps containing my university fees of a year.

"I can not take this." I shake my head looking at Mr. Stranger and try to give it back to him.

"You need more?" He asks, narrowing his eyes.

"No, no. It is too much. I can not take someone else's money." I hurry to explain.

"You can and you will." Saying this he shoves the money bag in my hands.

"I can not."

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