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I approach with anticipation, hoping to find her recovered and ready to alleviate my suffering. But as I push open the door, my enthusiasm is swiftly extinguished. The scene in front of me slaps me out of my dreams and freezes me in place. My throat becomes drier than Sahara, my heart ceases to beat, replaced by a heavy leaden feeling in my stomach.

My mind struggles to comprehend what I am seeing, and my brain screams in denial. The pain and anguish that follow are suffocating, making it hard to breathe. I feel like I have been punched in the gut.

The fuck is this?

The question echoes in my mind, a desperate cry for answers that refuse to come. I am left standing there, paralyzed, unable to process the magnitude of what I am witnessing. My heart is broken, my soul crushed, and my entire existence reduced to rubble.

The grotesque image eventually becomes clear, and I wish it had not because I can not bear to see her like this. My mind recoils in horror as I watch her...

To be continued...

Chapter 52 has been updated on my Stck account.

If you wish to read on Wattpad, fulfill last chapter's target.

And to say, I am disappointed in you guys is the least. I work my ass off to offer you these chapters, and you don't even vote.

I explicitly told everyone not to leave one single feedback on the chapter and write your reviews on seperate lines that you like or feel touched by. But seems like you can't even do that.

The last target was set on 70 votes and 100 comments. And there is only like 40 votes and 20 comments by now... Really disappointing.

My exams start this Friday, so I planned on updating before that. But maybe you don't want it.

Tell me, should I take IEO off of Wattpad and only publish it on Stck? Will that be good? Because I will

The next chapter marks a turning point for Ana & Sandro's relationship and for the story as well.  You'd really miss a lot if I take it off now

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 01 ⏰

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