Chapter 1: The beginning

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A young girl named Sakura Haruno and Naruto Uzumaki looks upward at Sasuke Uchiha. This boy was standing on the edge of a cliff looking straight at them. This boy disappears from the cliff and reappears next to naruto Uzumaki, he whispers to his ears.
"If you have the time to come after me, you should be training, isn't that right?"

Sasuke brings his sword above Naruto ." Can someone who can't even save one of his friends become Hokage?", Naruto replies.    Sasuke swings the sword to kill Naruto. Sai stops Sasuke and blocks his attack. Sasuke uses his lightning Justu to move naruto and sai out of the way.

While Sakura leaps to attack Sasuke on her own.As Yamato blocks her from getting in danger, "The block that you chose was the incorrect one, the snake sword is somewhat special, it's impossible to block." Sasuke explains. Sasuke slowly put his sword on Yamato's chest without killing him. Sakura tries to hit Sasuke to save Yamato from danger. But injects him with needles covered with poison but Sasuke took out the needle and throws it at her. They both collapse in the process.

As Sakura woke up in a room, she was sitting on a chair. She stood up and walked out of the room to see her mom. She was cutting vegetables and was excited to see her. "Oh ,you finally got out of your room , go get me more vegetables from the store ,you must be tired of sitting in a room", she says."sure ,mom."

Sasukes POV:
Where am I? Back in the leaf village? Is this part of Sakura's poison?

Sasuke looks at them in fear, as he takes a few steps back. What type of torture is this!?

Sasuke's family looked confused and scared, as they did not know what happened to Sasuke or why he was scared of them. Sasuke ran to his room, shivering and covered in sweat.

Itachi came to Sasuke's room." Sasuke, what's the matter ? Mother and father are worried".
"I-Itachi!", Sasuke screamed.
Itachi looked at him confused. Sasuke tried to use his fireball Justu but looked like a complete idiot. "Oh Sasuke, staying in your room for so long must have made you crazy, oh is it those new video games you've been playing lately?".

"Go outside, Sasuke, I'll tell mother and father you needed to go somewhere important, I know how hard those games are."Sasuke looked at him confused, what video game? Wouldn't Itachi want to fight him? But he just went outside.

Sakuras POV:
I know The poison I made makes people hallucinate but not to this extent, everything looks and feels so real, I think I made a big mistake. There are no jonins or ninjas, I wonder why? But I can't help to notice that everything looks so beautiful.

Sasukes POV:
Why wasn't Itachi trying to hurt me? Why was he being nice to me? I didn't know that Sakura was this powerful that she could make people hallucinate this much. Ugh, why can I forget about Sakura, maybe when I finally deal with Itachi, I can... NO!
I should only focus on getting out of this place right now, not some girl. I never felt this sort of thing before.

Sakuras POV:
Is that Sasuke!?
Oh, I'm so dead.
I gotta hide from him!

Sasuke POV:
It's Sakura, I have to get to her so she can help me escape.
She is the only way I can get out of this place!

Sakura runs and Sasuke catches up to her and holds her arms. "Sakura, you idiot, why are you running away from me, I can't stay here forever.", He says.
"How can I forgive you after trying to kill naruto, you might as well stay here forever."She responds.

"If you just let me out of this stupid place, I will spare you and your team.", He says.

   "I'm not sure how to...but I know something that does, there's a book in the library that tells us what to do.", she replies.

Sasuke sighed and let go of her hand. The sun was setting and Sakura sat down
and called him to sit next to her but Sasuke refused. "Sasuke, what were you doing all this time with Orochimaru?", she asked.

"It's none of your business.", he replies.
They both stay silent until it gets dark. "I need to go, my mom and dad are probably really worried that I've been gone for so long," she says.
He looks at her walk away but he couldn't help but think of how pretty she was.

Sakura goes to the market to buy some vegetables as her mother had asked her. The supermarket in this world was nothing like the one from her home. She finished shopping and went on her way home.

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