Chapter 12: getting ready

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"Thank you Naruto and Ino!", I scream.

They are the bestest friends I could ever have.

"No problem! We couldn't just sit around.", they both say.

"So does that mean we're dating Sakura-Chan!?", he screams while blushing.

"In your dreams Naruto...!", I say.

"But... you are such an amazing friend", I say and kiss him on the cheek (in the friendly way)

"S-Sakura", he says before fainting and falling on the ground.

Me and Ino laugh.

"Hn", Sasuke says.

"Well I have to go home now, goodnight.", he says.

"Bye Sasuke", I say.

We did it, we saved the town.

So the only thing we have to do now is to make Iruka Sensei proud.

I say while walking home.

I open my front door to see mom.

"You did it! But, you didn't even tell me about it...!", mom screams

"Oh you mean that me and Sasuke saved the village?", I say smirking.

"I love you...", she says while hugging me.

I pause for a second.

"T-thank you mom", I say while whipping a tear from my eye.

"But, I have to do something tomorrow too",

"Alright." She says.

I walk to my room and lay on my bed.

"After tomorrow it's going to be prom...", I thought.

(Next day)

I wake up and I see my mom,

'I'm going to miss you', I say in my mind.

"Hi mom, I've got a lot to explain but—", I say.

"I know Sakura , you're not from this world, it's okay and I'll miss you", she says while crying.

"Thank you, but I have to get ready for prom", I say.

"Oh okay! I love you Sakura...", she says.

"I love you too mom!", I say while waving her goodbye.

I start walking outside and Ino jumps right in front of me.

"Ino! Gosh you scared me!", I say.

"Sorry! I just wanted to help my best friend get ready for prom!", she says.

"Oka—", I say.

"Come on! Let's go to my house I also asked Sasuke and Naruto to be their!", she screams while holding my hands.

We walk for a while until I saw her house it was big but not too big.

"Here. Look at all my dresses and outfits! You better pick a good one okay?", she says while smiling.

"Thank you Ino...!", I say and try on all the dress until I found one that I actually liked.

"Wow , Sakura you look good!", she says.

I look in the mirror and I see how good I look, I never wear cloth like this so it was a bit uncomfortable.
(It looks like this:

"Oh and I forgot to tell you Sakura, I got a date for prom!", she says while blushing

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"Oh and I forgot to tell you Sakura, I got a date for prom!", she says while blushing.

"Who is it? Come on Ino, tell me!", I say.

"It's... Sai...!", she says.

"You guys would make a cute couple but, if he messes with you Ill make sure to teach him a lesson!", I growl.

"Okay Sakura thank you", she says while hugging me.

Sasuke POV:

"Look Sasuke, I'm no longer into Sakura I'm dating someone else now, you can have her all to yourself now.", he says.

I never expected him to say that.

"Congrats Naruto , I never thought this day would come", I say.

"What do you mean by that Sasuke?", he says.

I laughed.

"Why are we here again?", I ask.

Well we're going to help Sakura and Ino pick their outfits.

"Alright.", I say.

"Look! I think their coming...!", he says.

(Authors note : thank you guys for almost 600 reads I appreciate each and everyone of you! <3 )

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