Chapter 4: Iruka sensei

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Sakura's POV:

I know I'm new to everything in this world.

Things like phones, cars, planes are things you would only dream about back home.

And I forgot to mention, graduation is coming up soon.

But I have to find that book and if I don't we're going to be stuck here forever.

But before I go I have a lot of things to fix,

Like my C in Mr. Iruka's class.

"Sakura, pay attention!", Mr. Kakashi yells.

I zoomed out in class.

Mr. Kakashi continues his lesson.

But all I could think about was Sasuke.
I know we didn't know each other for so long but...
This thing has gotten us closer than we've ever been.

I feel like if we ever leave this place, it would be like how it was.

Class finally ends.

I walk out of class and I run to the math class.

I took out my math book, and it was Mr. Iruka.

He sighed.

"Good afternoon students,

this will be the last class I will be teaching in."

Everyone looks at Mr. Iruka, He was quitting?

I could see Sasuke's face was surprised,

He was everyone's favorite teacher.

"Yes... I will be no longer teaching. This will be a goodbye for all my students."

He looked down at the floor.

Ino stood up and yelled, "Why Mr! How could you leave all of a sudden! You've known us since we were kids how could you just leave!"

A tear fell from one of Ino's eyes.

He looked at Ino.

"Look, Ino, It isn't my choice, the class's grades have gone down and the school had no choice but to fire me."

Iruka was filled with sadness.

It was true everyone completely failed the last 3 tests.

And parents had complained.

Naruto stood up,

"Mr! You can't let that happen!"

A tear rolled down his eyes.

I stand up.

" Mr! They're right!".

Mr has been teaching us for so long, how could this ... happen.

"I'm sorry, Sakura, Naruto, Ino, there's just nothing I can do about it."

"Before I leave, all of you please. Work hard, make your families proud, I know you've heard it over and over but listen! You, students, will graduate this year, there will not be any more second chances! So please.. don't let all my teaching go to waste!".


He picks up his books and leaves the classroom.

The class was quiet.

But I could see Ino crying, I sat up from my seat and ran up to Her.


I could see that Naruto and Ino were hurt.


"This..damn school..! How could they fire him for a stupid thing like this!", Naruto yelled.

I was a bit scared, I had never seen Naruto this angry.

He stood up and walked up to Ino

"Don't cry, Ino... We'll do something to stop this!", Naruto said while patting Ino.

Sasuke was silent.

I couldn't read his emotions, he looked sad but serious.

The school day ended fast,
It looks like I couldn't make Iruka sensei proud...

The sky was dark. I was studying for so long, haven't I?

I was in the library studying Maths.

No one was there.

But I could see a figure in front of me.


That voice was so familiar.

I could notice it from miles away.

It was Sasuke Uchiha.

He walked up to me.

"You're studying..?", He asks.


"I can't stop thinking about you, Sakura.", He says, softly.

My heart was beating so fast.


"It's the same with me."

I was blushing like crazy until he sat next to me.

"I've studied this already, I could help you, Sakura."

He blushed.

(I hope you guys liked this chapter even though it might be a little short D: )

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