Naruto birthday special

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Naruto birthday special

Sakura POV:

"Hey Naruto, happy birthday!", I say while hugging him.

"Thank you Sakura-Chan", he says while smiling.

"Yeah, happy birthday... uhm... Naruto.", Sasuke says.

"Sasuke is that all you have to say?", Naruto says while smirking.

"Shut up Idoit!", he says.

"Happy birthday Naruto! I can't believe you became eighteen", I say.

"Yeah... I'm an adult now", he says.

"H-Hey Naruto, I just wanted to say, Happy birthday", Hinata says shyly.

Naruto smirks.

"Thank you Hinata! You look good today", he says while hugging her.

She turns red as a tomato.

"N... No problem", she says.

Not to lie but they look pretty cute together.

And I never though Naruto would grow up this fast.

"Hey Naruto, congrats , you finally turned eighteen", Sasuke says.

"But you're still the same idiot", Sasuke adds while smiling.

"What , Sasuke I should be mad but I never every say you smile before", Naruto says.


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