Chapter 11: The villlage

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(Sakura pov) (the next day)

Today is the day that we'll finally ask Sasuke's dad to rebuild the school.

I think while I'm sitting on my bed.

"Honey, we're going to leave tomorrow make sure to pack everything it's...the Uchiha industries ", mom says.


"Wait honey, Mikoto's son is here! He is saying that he needs you", she says.

I look at her in confusion.

"O-okay I'll be back mom".

I say while smiling.

Mom hugs me, and I hug her back.

I open the door to see Sasuke.

"Sakura come on let's go convince my dad", He says.

"Yeah I know Sasuke. Let's do it.", I say with a slight smirk.

I open my phone to text Ino and Naruto.

"we are going to fix everything, today."

(Naruto POV)

There actually going to do it... there going to save the village.

But we need to help them, they're our friends after all...

I call ino.

"Ino gather as much people as possible, we have to help them.", I say.

"Okay!" She screams with excitement.

Sasuke called us a texi as usual.

And we arrived after a while.

"Come on Sakura.", he says while grabbing my arms.

"O-okay Sasuke." I say while blushing.

He pulls me to the elevator.

I was anxious but I have to do this.

I see Sasuke's dad.

"Who is this, Sasuke?", He asks.

"This is Sakura Haruno from Konoha high", he says.

"Ah. Why have you came today?", he asks.

"We want to stop your plans", I say.

"Mr. Fugaku you cannot just steal our land it has so much memories and... love...

It's our home", I say.

He laughs.

"You think you can stop this? It has already began. And Sasuke I thought we talked about this.", he says.

"Father. You cannot just take people's homes away from them!", he says angrily.

"Please get out of my office or I'll can security", he says in a serious tone.

(Sakura POV)

Men dressed in black shove came.

They were trying to pull us out of the room.

Wait what's the sound...

"What the-", Sasuke says in shock.

"It's everyone...?", I say.

Even the men in blacks stopped attacking us out of shock.

"What in the world...?", Fugaku says (Sasuke's dad).

We look outside the window to see everyone... the whole village.

They were chanting our names.

"Sakura! Sasuke!"

The elevator opens and I see Mikoto and Itachi.

"Please honey.... Please don't do it.", Mikoto says.

"Father.", Itachi says.

Fugaku sees them in shock.

He sighs. 60~~

"As you wish.", He says.

"We did it!", I scream to Sasuke.

He smiles.

"Ah so that was the girl you were talking about?", Itachi whispers to Sasuke.

"Shut up....", he says.

We go back to the elevator and i see everyone.

"Did you guys do it?" Naruto Asks.

"We did it!", I scream.

"Yes!", he says while hugging me.

Me, Ino , Sasuke and Naruto all had a group hug.

And everyone was cheering.

(Author's note: 

This might be a bit cringe and I didn't use grammarly to

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