Chapter 6: Destiny

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"To return to your original dimension, you must complete your destiny"

Destiny? What destiny do I have to fulfil in this world?

It's pointless. Me and Sakura are doomed to stay in this world.

Until I remember...

about Mr. Iruka.


I.. remember what I said before.

All the things I wanted to do in this world.

In this world I have family, I don't have revenge , I can make friends..and live the life I've always wanted.


(The next day)

Sakura's POV:

I've been studying all night , I'm so tired.

I'm in the library looking for the book as usual.

I don't want to get carried around in this world,

I search book after book, shelf after shelf, but still nothing.

There were footsteps coming.

It was Sasuke, it looked like he was looking for me.

"Sakura, I've found it."

I was so confused. "Huh?"

"I've found the book",He says.

He brings out a book from his bag, he holds it out for me to read.

I took it and skimmed through the pages.

"Open up page 77, that's where the anwser is."

I nod and open page 77 as he said.

"To return to your original dimension, you must complete your destiny"

"What destiny?", I ask.

"Think about it. ,Sakura", He says.

"We can finally live a life that we have always dreamed about here, mr. Iruka , graduation , friends.", Sasuke explains.

I realize.

"Sasuke... We have to make things right."

He looks at me and nods.

The bell rings,it's our snack break.

Ino , Naruto and sasuke were already at our usual table.

"Hi guys"

"Hey, Sakura!", Naruto and Ino say at the same time.

I sit down.

"I have a plan for Mr.Iruka.", I say

"What is it Sakura?", Ino asks.

"What if we could go to Mr.Iruka's house, and apologize for all the things we have done", I explain.

"Okay okay, but how on earth would we find Iruka's house?", Naruto asks while scratching his head.

"Easy, Sasuke's parent own uchiha industries, we all know the uchiha industries have access to every information in the city. They have documents of the owners of every house or the address of almost everyone in the city.", I explain.

"That is possible", Sasuke replies.

Ino and Naruto looked at each other.

"Sasuke, could you get the documents all by yourself?", Ino asks.

"Yeah, don't your parents have like a zillion security cameras, or would your parents allow you to get it?", Naruto asks.

"My parents are extremely strict they probably wouldn't allow me to get it , so I would have to break in.",Sasuke says.

"Is that okay with you?", I ask.

"If it's for Mr. Iruka I have no problem with it.", Sasuke replies.

"If it weren't for you guys we would haven't done anything.", Naruto says.

"Group hug!", Ino shouts.

All of us stand from our table except for Sasuke.

"We really Shou-", Sasuke says.

"Do it or I'll break your face.", I say while grinding my teeth.

Sasuke's face turned pale, he stood up and did the group hug.

"I love you guys", I say.

"Yeah, we're best buddies!",Naruto replies.

"I've never met anyone like you guys", Ino says.

Sasuke smirks.

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