Chapter 9: leader

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                      (Sakura's POV)
                      (The next day)

I walk out of my house, I wanted to see what our school looked like now.

"Mom, I'm heading out!", I say.

"Goodbye, Sakura!", She responds.

I wear my gray jacket and started walking.

It was cold.

I don't know how I will leave this world but whatever happens, I can't give up.

I spot the building.

There were crowds of people there.

There were also wrecking balls that were just standing there.

I walk closer, to see everyone in the crowd is from school.

Everyone was sad.

I look at the floor,

And I walk away.

I wonder what destiny we have in this world.

I take out my phone and I remembered what Sasuke had said.

I just texted him hi and just closed my phone because I didn't think that he would respond quickly.

I already miss Ino, Naruto, and Sasuke.

They're my best friends, even though it was short I had one of the best times of my life.

As I start walking I felt a bit hungry.

I could see a small ramen shop from a distance.

I didn't have my breakfast so I should eat.

I take out money from my pocket, I had enough money to buy some ramen.

I enter the shop to see a young woman and many children.

"Welcome, what can I get you?", She asks with a smile.

"Thank you, I would like some ramen", I reply happily.

The kids were helping the woman cook.

The shop had some beautiful decorations and furniture but it was old.

The woman served me some ramen and I started eating.

"Here is your ramen, enjoy!", She says.

"Thank you!"

I took my first bite.

"This ramen is amazing! It tastes so good", I scream.

"Thank you", She says as she bows.

"It takes a lot of hard work to make all of these meals", She adds.

I wonder what Sasuke is doing right now.

"My, I wounded who or what you are thinking about, you look red as a tomato", she laughs.

"Wha- What!? No!!", I scream.

"You are so obvious, I may not be a ninja but I can sense chakra very well, I can know how people are feeling.", Mita Explains.

"Well, just for your information, I'm not thinking about anything or anyone!", I say while

"Yeah right, keep on treating me like a 10-year-old.", she says sarcastically.

A little girl comes up to me and hugs me.

She had dark brown eyes with black hair.

She wore a white dress which looked old.

"Thank you for coming here!", She screams.

"No problem", I say while patting her head.

There was another kid. "Idiot, come back here!", He shouts.

He had orange hair with dark brown eyes.

"From now on I'll come here more often, your ramen tastes great",

The woman looks at me with a sad face while doing the dishes.

"We won't be here for long.", She says.

"What do you mean by that?", I ask.

"Oh, so you must have not heard about... The announcement.", she says sadly.

"What announcement? What are you talking about?", I ask.

"The Hokage...

                Sold this land to the Uchiha Industries.", She explains.

"What...? How about you and these kids?"

"Well, I'm not sure."

I pat the little girl on my lap, I can't Belive the Uchiha Industries could do all of this.

"Could you tell me more?"

"The Uchiha Industries will be taking over most of the city so many small Businesses like us would be bankrupt. So we'll have to either move or starve here.", She explains.

I look at them sadly.

The little boy takes the little girl's hand and pulls her to the kitchen.

"Come on", He says.

"Noo! I wanna be with her!", She shouts.

"It's okay, here...I'll give you kids some money. Keep on working hard." I say with a smile.

"Uh... t-thank you.", the boy says.

"Thank you!!!, The girl screams.

Wow, she has a lot of energy.

"No problem", I reply.

The woman sees the money.

"Oh my! Where did your kids get this money? Don't tell me you stole it!?", She screams.

"No, no, no, I gave it to them. Please keep it. You guys need it more than I do."

"No! I cannot take this, please take it back.", She says.

"It's okay, please."

I smile.

"You surely are kind, thank you.", She says while bowing.

"There is no need to thank me, now I have to go."

I pat the two kids and leave.

I hate the Uchiha Industries, if no one stops them then they'll probably take over the whole city.

As I walk there was a notification that popped up on my phone.

It was Sasuke.

"Hi Sakura, Please Meet me at the cherry blossom tree tomorrow"

Why would he want to meet up? Maybe to discuss how we are going to go back home.

Well, I'll find out tomorrow.

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