Chapter 7: unexpected news

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Chapter 7:

(At school) (Sakura's POV)

I went to school,

it was our snack break, I brought my lunch box.

I went to the cafeteria just to find out that,

Everyone was helping with the plan!

Ino made posters.

It wrote,

"Anyone who wants to apologize to Mr.Iruka, please write your name!"

While Naruto helped by asking his friend to come and apologize to Mr.Iruka.

Sasuke convinced his fangirls to come.

Sai drew on giant signs to thank Mr.Iruka.

Hinata wrote letters.

Kiba brought lights and candles.

Neji got permission for the plan.

Shikamaru set a schedule and detailed set of instructions for everyone.

A crowd quickly formed.

I climbed the stairs and Sasuke passed me a microphone.

I nodded.

"Everyone we will go to Mr.Iruka's house to apologize after a few days", I say

Everyone's attention was on me.

"Thank you, everyone, for your help", I add.

I walk down the stairs.

The bell rings and class starts.

(After class)

I was at the school entrance on my way home.

Sasuke, Naruto, and Ino were going to go home,

"Thank you guys for making this come true, I am lucky to have you guys as friends", I say.

They smile.

"Of course, Sakura-Chan, anything for Mr. Iruka!", Naruto replies.

"We are even luckier to have you as a friend, Sakura", Ino adds.

"To complete our destiny", Sasuke says.

I wave goodbye as they walk their way home.

              (After school)
(Sasuke's POV)

My driver took me to the Uchiha Industries building.

I still wasn't used to going in this vehicle.

But the moon was shining and it was dark.

I have to get that document,

I have to make things right for me and everyone.

I was in Infront of Uchiha industries, the biggest building in the city.

I go through the front door, I see a woman.

"Welcome to Uchiha Industries, how may I help you?", She asks.

"I'm the owner's child, I'm just here to tour, now if you would excuse-"

"The owner's child!? Welcome!"! She shouts.

I look at her confused.

"Thank you."

I walk through the lady I could notice there were a lot of security guards.

I walk to the stairs, and I see a security camera on the elevator.

I ignore it and go to the 24th floor. The floor where all the documents are kept.

I see at least 5 security cameras, which worry me a bit more.

I could see my father and my mother talking to a man.

Who could it be?

I hid so I wouldn't interrupt.

I was searching for a document Until I heard footsteps.

I quickly run to the elevator, trying to make it seem like I just got here.

"Sasuke, what are you doing here?", Father asks.

"You are strictly prohibited here.", He adds.

"I apologize, father, I was just...looking for you two."

"Oh Sasuke I have good news for you, you are changing new schools! The school you are in right now is being demolished and we are building a building on it!, Father says cheerfully.

I look at him in shock.

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