Chapter 2: high school

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Sakura's POV:
It's going to be my first day at school...I am very nervous.
I hope it isn't different from the academy.

Mom has a weird-looking vehicle called a "car". I guess it is a means of transportation.
"Sakura, get it the car", mom said.
I nervously enter this "car" thing, there were chairs on this thing!?

   I look outside the window of the car, as the wind blew on my hair.
We were going so fast!

I went out of the car, I saw a giant building! Many kids about my age were there. The kids were talking and laughing. But I did not know where my class was supposed to be.

I go inside the building, and... "Hey,are you new here?!", Ino screamed.
"Ino? What's wrong? What happened?", I ask.

"There were many rumors about a new girl coming to school, you were supposed to come last week.", ino asks.

"I was.. sick, I didn't want anyone to get it because it was contagious"

"Do you want to be friends?", she asks.


"Oh, and did you get better?" She asks. "Yes, I am fine now, Ino."
Ino smiles. " I'm glad.", She replies.

I grab my books from my locker and went to my first class. It was Iruka sensei.

"Good morning students, I hope everyone had a good break and is ready to learn!", He says happily.

I look behind me to see ... Sasuke... He was listening to Mr. Iruka and holding his pencil. I quickly turn away so he doesn't notice me staring at him.

I wanna get out of this place fast, I can't keep living in a fake world.
I have to find that book and get over this thing.

Normal POV:
"Sakura, what was your answer to question number 8?" Mr. Iruka asks.
"Erm... it's 1045" She replies.
"Excellent, you are the only one in the class to get the answer correct!"
Sasuke smirks.

Sasuke POV:
Finally class was over, I didn't expect Sakura to get the answer right, I guess she is pretty smart.

I hate all the girls fan Girling over me.
I bet they only like me because of my looks... I just want someone who likes me for myself.
I hate a lot of things, especially this world.
I walk to the lunch table and sit down. All the girls sat at that table, I was surrounded by girls.

I could see Sakura sitting with Naruto and Ino, lucky her, she doesn't have to be surrounded by so many people.

"Sasuke, you are so cute!"
"Sasuke, can I have your number!?"
"Sasuke is so hot"
" He could slap me and I would thank him!"

"Sorry girls, I have to go..."
I took my lunch and went up to Sakura and her friends.
"Sakura, is it alright if I eat with you?"I ask.

"Yeah, sure."She responds.
I sat right next to her, I couldn't help to notice she was kinda... cute.

"Sakura, I didn't know friends with Sasuke", Naruto says.
"Well.. I guess I am". She responds.

Naruto looks at Sasuke with jealousy.
"Hey! How can you be Sakura's friend all of a sudden, don't tell me you guys are dating!?", Naruto screams.
Ino laughs while blushing.
"Sasuke, I didn't know you were this handsome up close..."Ino compliments Sasuke.

Sakura was studying math, I guess this was why she was so smart in class, damn, why does she impress me so much.
"Guys, we should be studying, we'll be graduating next year," Sakura explains.

"Right, I already revised chapter 7 yesterday", Ino replies.
"Umm, I just saw the pictures... hey! Don't blame me, this chapter was way more boring than the last one!", Naruto explains.

"Well, explains why you got 78% on that quiz.., the highest grade you have ever gotten in maths", Ino replies, in a funny way.

I smirk.

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