Chapter 13: sasusaku

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Sakura POV:

I walk out of the room and see Sasuke and Naruto looking at me flustered.

"Hey Sasuke , Naruto, what are you guys looking at?", I say madly.

They look at me embarrassed.

"S-sorry Sakura, you l-look great!", they say at the same time.

"Hn", Sasuke says.

Ino comes out of the room with her beautiful white dress.

"Ino you look amazing!", Naruto screams.

"Thanks Naruto, you know I'm trying to look my best because it's going to be my first and last prom", she says.

"You look great Ino , I guess", Sasuke says.

"Oh thank you Sasuke", she says smiling.

"Sakura also... come over when your free", Sasuke says.

(Get ready JGS0315 this if for you haha )

"O-okay", I said.

"Hey Sasuke, what are you guys talking about? Are you already proposing?!", he screams at Sasuke.

"W-what, What are you saying Idiot!!!!", he screams.

I just walk away and go to talk to Ino.

"Hey Ino, I feel like I don't have a date for prom and every has one", I say.

"Hey girl, you don't need a boyfriend or girlfriend to be happy", she says.

"I know, but I wish I had someone to go with...", I say.

"Cheer up! We going to graduate in a week! There are plenty of fish in the sea", she says.

"Okay Ino...", I say.

"Oh guys I have to go home, Ino thank you for this dress , I love it! See ya—", I say while running out.

What can I do I was so bored.

I walk to my home.

That's when I remembered what Sasuke said.

"Come over"

I walk to Sasuke house but I noticed it got really dark.

I see the Uchiha building.

"Hello, Sakura Haruno, Sasuke has allowed you to enter", says a computer.

That's weird.

I walk into the elevator.

It filled with cameras and security guards.

I walk past them.

"Hey Sakura...", I hear someone whisper behind me.

"Ah! Sasuke! Where were you I was look for you?", I say.

"I was waiting here the whole time", he says.

"Oh...", I say.

"Anyways what did you want again?", I ask

"You don't know?", he says.


He pushed me against the wall.

"We'll I guess you know now,... don't you Sakura?", he says.

What was he doing , he never acted like this before.

He had hunger in his eyes and I never though I would ever see this side of him.

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