Chapter 10: Mikoto and Itachi

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(Sakura POV:)

The cherry blossom tree just like Sasuke said.

Trees everywhere with lights on them.

"Cherry blossom , as in my name...?" , I thought.

I look up and see Sasuke.

The sky was getting dark and I could only see Sasuke's figure.


Sasuke." , I say lowering my voice

"Hi Sakura, I need to... I mean we need to do something to save this world."

"That's the only way we could go home." , he explains.

I look at him.

"We'll convince your dad , Sasuke

you'll see." , I say with a smile.

"Buuuttt the only problem is that it's very late and my house is too far from here.", I say trying to sleep over at Sasuke's home.

"Oh that's nothing to worry about. I'll just call you a taxi. How does that sound?", he says.

Taxi? Noo I want to see what his house looks like. I thought.

"No! You see my mom locked... the doors and now I can't come inside my house!", I say with the most fakest smile.

"Fine.", Sasuke says with a straight face.

A black car arrived in front of us.

I smiled and walked in.

I look at Sasuke looking out of the window.

"I'm so happy...We're getting so much closer....

Sasuke...", I say in my head.

There was a man in black driving with an Uchiha symbol on his back.

We go to a large bridge, over the ocean.

I opened the window and put my head outside.

The wind was blowing on my hair.

The bridge had lights and it was one of the best views I have ever seen.

(After 20 minutes)

We finally arrived to Sasuke's house.

And boy it was HUGE.

Sasuke grabbed my hand and started walking.

And a dark haired woman greeted us.

"Hi, Sasuke! Who is this beautiful girl?", She asked while blushing.

"Oh her? She's just staying at our house for a few days. She's... helping me with my homework.", he says.

"Okay, Sasuke!", she says smiling.

He walks me into a kind of small but cozy bedroom.

"Thank you Sasuke", I say while smiling and hugging him.

"Good night", he says.

"Goodnight, Sasuke-kun", I say.

I jump on the bed. And start thinking.

"We'll go right to Sasuke's dad's office and we'll convince him but I don't exactly know how I'm going to do that", I think.

(The next day)

Sakura's POV:

It's the new day. It's the day that I'll finally do something.

I was tired but I leaped out of bed by the smell of something and I quickly got ready.

I opened the door outside and I see Sasuke and his family ,well except his dad.

It was a large table, with fancy foods and drinks I have never seen before.

I look at Sasuke and he smirks at me.

"G...Good morning everyone!", I said with a happy tone.

"Good morning, why don't you eating with us, Sakura Haruno", Itachi says with a smile.

"Yes, yes! please eat with us", Mikoto says excitedly.

"Thank you", I say.

I sit down and look at all the food.

"Hi, hmm... Itachi so how have you and Sasuke been doing?", I ask trying to break the silence.

They both look at me.

"Oh well, funny you ask, Sakura. Well Sasuke has been playing these video games. At it's really stressing him out because I keep beating him!", Itachi says while laughing.

"Oh... I see...", I say in utter confusion.

"Shut up Itachi, you know I'm better than you, the only reason you win is because you cheat, cheater!", he replies whining like a baby.

"Itachi..., Sasuke....!, quiet! Let the poor girl talk!", Mikoto says.

"Okay, Sasuke we'll settle this later.", Itachi says.

"Hmph", Sasuke replies.

Before I knew it I was full and I finished all the food on my plate.

"T... Thank you Miss Mikoto but I have to go home now, thank you for having me everyone...!", I say and quickly go to the elevator.

I could hear somebody yell "wait" but I just didn't want my mom to be scared.

I was walking to my home for a few minutes and got a notification on my phone.

"Sakura, why did you leave?"

"Sakura, respond"

It was Sasuke, he had texted me.

"I have to go see my mom, she's probably worried.", I say.

"Why did you come over in the first place then?"

"Well, it was too late and my house was too far." I say. It was a big lie.

"Okay. Take care.", he says and goes offline. 

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