Chapter 18

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hey hey hey, i'm back! Recap: they are now dating, thomas and lucy knows, midterm exams, and phil have a plan.


When Phil went home, as usual, his parents are gone. Nurse duty and ambulance driver duty. He sighed, tighten his hold on his backpack, he's not going to chicken out with 'confessing' what is happening to his love life to his own parents. They will understand it, he's sure. He had watched their reactions and listened to their opinions about same-sex couples (unlike him, they are very open about it). He shook his head and grumbled, "No need to stress myself more." He chucked his shoes on the shoe rack, grabbed some snack on the kitchen before hitting his bedroom. Today, he's going to lock himself and study.

But then there's Dan, he sent a photo of himself doing a peace sign with a message, 'do your best', and Phil wanted to shove his phone down his throat because of how toothy and cute Dan is smiling from the photo. 'Study well too.' Phil bit his lip, he feel pathetic because he wanted to do the same for Dan, but he's kind of embarrassed to do it, and he will probably end up sending Dan a weird angle of his face.

':') absolutely xx'

Time literally flies by when you're enjoying what you are doing. Phil was surprised by the knock on his bedroom door, he sat up, placed the paper he is holding down on his bed, continues to eat his fifth chocolate bar, went to the door and opened it. "Dinner is prepared downstairs, chocolates might be good, but a little bit of vegetables and meat might be better than it."

"Welcome back dad," he finished his chocolate bar and crumpled the wrapper, "sorry, I didn't noticed you earlier, and for emptying the snacks." He followed him downstairs, "how's work?"

"Busy as usual." They both sat down. Today's dinner is pork cassoulet, nice.

Phil has to do the 'talk' before he forgets it, he had to do it after eating.

Phil washed the dishes, he can hear his heart thumping over the noises of the television on the living room. He's nervous, it's like his dinner is going to come out, "okay, Phil, you're not going to die, you're just going to tell the truth and you know it always kills you inside when you're lying to mum and dad." He gripped the towel he's holding tight, folded it and returned it to where it belongs. "Game face on, I'm ready."

He sat right next to his father, "hey dad." His father acknowledge his presence by nodding, too focused on watching the television, "I have something to tell you, I mean actually, both you and mum, but since she's going to be home when I'm asleep, I want to tell you first." His stuttering caught his father's attention.

"What is it?"

"Umm... you're right, I'm dating someone right now."

"Okay? Are the two of you doing good?"

"Yeah, yeah, we're actually doing great." Phil gulped, he's crawling closer to the winning question.

"Oh no, don't tell me I'm going to be a grandpa."

"What? No! Listen, okay, umm..."

"Spit it out?"

"I hope you're ready," because I am certainly going to burst right now. His father hummed his answer, "dad, I'm dating Dan. Dan is a he."

"Okay, are you sure you two are doing well?"

"Umm... yes, hundred percent good, don't you have any violent reactions?"

"To be honest, the only thing that I would have violently react is when you mentioned that you're dating someone and they are ruining your life."

"That's it? Don't you feel angry that I'm not going to give you grandchildren?"

"Son, when you were a six you said to us that you will not have any child and you'll own fifty dogs. I guess six year old you was telling the future." He placed his hand on Phil's shoulder, "we aren't the ones who controls your life, choices and decisions. Your mother and I are here to support you."

Phil wanted to cry, he had distracted himself about this topic by studying and burying his face into different books, and now the moment has come and it was perfect. He hugged his father, his eyes burning from his unshed tears, "are you going to tell mum? Or should I?"

"Let's tell her when we're all here together." His father tapped his back.


'We are official!
Goodnight Dan, I love you. See you on Monday.'

It was nearing midnight when Dan received Phil's message. He felt happiness and warmth spreading on his face, his eyes feel heavy, he was so happy.

'i love you more. i hope i am not being selfish, but i want to see you tomorrow. i am so happy for us.'

Dan hugs his phone, the small device shining bright on his dark room.

'Sure, I guess I have studied my ass off enough today.'

Dan smiled, 'at the quarry bay?'

'Good Lord.' Phil replied.


They had decided to meet at 11:30, just right for lunch. Phil arrived first to Dan's surprise. "I thought I'm going to wait for half an hour before you show up." Dan teased.

"Oh, shut up Dan. You chose this place to make me cringe at myself." Phil huffed and crossed his arms on his chest.

"Hey, those were good memories." Dan extended his arm to take Phil's.

Phil is still pouting, but he let Dan to take his hand. "Not for me." He mumbled.

"Stop being so grumpy and forget it, just look at the present and don't dig at the past."

Phil smiled, "you are full of positivity today huh?"

"Oh let's stop being a sappy couple and eat lunch."


Dan invited Phil over again, Thomas isn't even surprised about it, he just let then do their thing and reminds them to 'keep quiet if you two are gonna do some things.' Dan was furiously embarrassed about that and quickly pulled Phil to his bedroom.

"You made it look more like we are going to do some 'things' by dragging me here." Phil has his smug smile on.

"You two are picking on me." Dan flopped down on his bed.

"You are too adorable when upset." Dan may have heard that wrong because Phil is picky to his words and rarely talks like that. He buried his face on his pillow. "Don't hide." Dan felt another weight added on his bed.

He looked up and saw Phil face to face. Dan knows he is burning, he can feel it up to his ears. This kind of Phil is so rare, and he's still not used to Phil being romantic or flirty.

"Not gonna say anything?"

"I'm going to kiss you."

"Sure thing."

Dan wanted to make sure that they will just kiss, but everything is burning whenever Phil touches him and Phil was also responsive. "Phil," he breathed and clings to him.

They're sitting face to face on his bed, his legs on top of Phil's, Phil positioned between them. "Yeah?"

"Flirty Phil is dangerous."


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