Chapter 8

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Note: There are probably mistakes here.


Dan wishes that everything that he did yesterday was just a nightmare. However how much he wanted it to transform into a bad dream it can’t come true.

Phil is on their sitting-room talking to Thomas and Dan instantly froze on the spot, luckily the two men didn’t noticed him standing awkwardly not too far away from them seeing that the two are engrossed in a conversation.

Dan had successfully avoided Phil in the uni, avoiding Phil’s regularly used spots and lowering his head whilst walking. It was effective because Dan didn’t caught any glimpse of him, but who would have thought that in the safest place he calls home, the person that he doesn’t want to see is sitting, talking to his guardian and drinking tea. Dan is not a ninja; he obviously cannot sneak his way out to go to his room without crossing the sitting room and within a second Thomas saw him and waved for him to come over. He nervously smiled at his cousin’s direction, “I’ll put my bag on my room first.” He said and hastily went to his room. He cannot stay that much into his room because he said that he’ll just put his bag there, Dan wanted to be swallowed by the ground because he is an idiot, he cannot avoid the awkward atmosphere between Phil and him and surely Thomas would ask what is going on between them and the story will be revealed. Damn

The moment Dan stepped into the sitting room, Phil icily glare at him and he immediately lowers his head and started to look for something to focus his gaze on whilst walking towards the empty armchair.

“Dan, are you still interested with tutoring?” Thomas is still wearing his business smile, like he is having a transaction with Dan (obviously he is), perhaps he knows what happened between him and Phil.

The question caught Dan off guard. Of course Dan wants to continue his advance lessons on Business Calculus so he answered, “yes.” But he quickly added, “If Phil still wants to without him being forced.” Maybe that was a bit quick because Thomas raised his eyebrow and leaned back into the couch. Dan bit his tongue.

“Why would Phil reject our offer?” Dan grips the armrest tight. Thomas sighed, glanced at Phil and then at Dan, “I know.” Dan stiffened and lowers his head, “you cannot treat Phil like that, okay?”

Kissing then running is totally a shit move but what can he do, Phil might attack him at that moment. “I didn’t mean it, it’s just a joke.” A self-defense

“He’s serious that time, Dan.” Dan stare at Phil shocked, Phil is serious that time?

“Wait, what?”

“Yes Dan, I am seriously teaching you calculus and then you’ll speak negative and hurtful to me?” Phil smirked, the fucker smirked at Dan and Thomas didn’t notice it. Phil likes toying at his emotions, Dan wanted to rise and throw Phil at the window because he is a jerk and he deserves Dan’s fist into his nose.

“Yeah sorry about that,” Phil is being oblivious about yesterday’s incident and Dan can play along at his game, “so, what’s our schedule?”

The three of them discussed, talked and in the end Phil and Thomas is reminiscing to their old memories leaving Dan an utter idiot listening to them laughing.

The truth why Phil decided to run into his old friend flat is to test something. After his utter disbelief of being kissed by Dan, Phil’s mind is running at the speed of light, his thoughts are clouded by the feel of other man’s lips on his, what will it feel like if the other who is kissing him have stubble aside from the usual soft skin, is it itchy? Ticklish? Does he hate other guys making out with other guys? Where does that hate went when you needed it.

So he went to Thomas, his first instinct is to go to his best buddy, well there’s Andy but they aren’t that really open to each other. The reason of him going there was buried itself six feet under the ground when Thomas opened the door for him. It’s not like he can ask out of the blue, ‘Hey, mind if I kiss you?’ No.

He was loss at words. Phil shuffled awkwardly at the doorway, “Phil? What do you need?” Some guys lips to shove my tongue, “are you here for scheduling of Dan’s tutorial?”

“Yeah,” he smiled awkwardly and followed Thomas inside; his friend gave him tea and Phil nervously accepted it. Thomas is good looking, hell he looks gorgeous, his eyes are the lightest shade of brown, his short dark hair is styled upwards, his skin is tanned and he has a rather muscular built. Well judging from his friend past relationships, perhaps he is a good kisser and maybe-, shit no. Phil is a grown up man and fantasizing about his male friend kissing him is… rude?

Phil did his best to be distracted by talking about his unlovely day when he taught Dan, he rants on and on until Thomas noticed Dan frozen staring at them.

He forgets for a moment that Dan is still on the room with them because he and Thomas started talking, laughing and teasing each other. When Phil noticed Dan staring at them and doing nothing instead of breathing, Phil decided to do something he knows that he’ll regret for eternity.

He starts to be quite touchy, touching his friend’s shoulder and then dropping it to brush their hands together, their knees bumping whenever they are talking. Thomas didn’t react, maybe he is used to someone doing this or he doesn’t care at all whereas Dan is fuming because, first, is Phil trying to seduce his cousin? Second, is Phil making fun of him? Lastly, is Phil fucking Lester is seducing his cousin?

The first and last reasons are the same but if Phil is really interested in Thomas (which he really isn’t because he hates the likes of Dan), what is he implying? The first reason that came on Dan’s mind is, Phil is degrading his cousin’s dignity in front of him by presenting that he can seduce him without difficulties.

Maybe Dan’s mind is full of shit at the moment because the next thing that he did is to stand up and ungracefully and harshly pull Phil up and drags him outside of the flat.

Dan is fuming, “what are you doing? Why are you doing that?

“I need to talk to you-”

“No, I ha-”

“Shut up for a freaking moment and let me speak,” Dan’s closed his mouth, “see, the thing that you did yesterday is freaking me out. I am having these weird thoughts and then I start to imagine things and- you know what? Forget it; I changed my mind, why am I telling you this in the first place? Oh, I remembered because it is your fault, you jerk.” Phil huffed and went inside the flat leaving Dan. 

Dan didn’t bother to come back inside; instead he took a stroll for half an hour to cool his fuming self down. Phil is right, it is impolite to kiss someone (especially the same gender without their permission) and he has the right to blame and get angry at Dan anytime and anywhere he wanted. He seriously tainted Phil’s heterosexuality by kissing him.

When Dan came back, Phil’s bag is still on the couch, Thomas and Phil is nowhere to be seen, perhaps they took off to have some best friend time, but all of Dan’s deductions are proved to be wrong when he saw Phil cornering Thomas on the kitchen counter, their lips locked together.

Dan’s jaw dropped. Phil who claimed to be heterosexual who hates queers is now heatedly kissing his cousin slash guardian who has a two months relationship with a woman in their kitchen counter.

Dan somehow unlocked the homosexual thing inside of Phil and it is not nice.

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