Chapter 14

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"How is it?" Dan called Janine, "I can feel that this call isn't all about the nearing holidays."

Dan huffed then he absentmindedly tapped his pencil on his study table, "what do you mean it?"

"Play more dumb Dan and I'm gonna go there and smack you with a tambourine."

"Easy there tiger, besides there's nothing important happened." He leaned back on his chair, "we just ate like usual." He lied.

Many important things happened.

The thing is, Dan decided not to become a wuss and directly asked Phil if he's interested in him.


"I don't want to make you uncomfortable and stuff," Dan laughed nervously, "I mean, we're friends and I don't want anything bad to happen about that." He averted his eyes and focused it on his thumbs. "I can't, oh Jesus. Forget about it."

Phil was staring at him, confusion etched on his face, "what?" He asked and added, "Spit it out Dan."

Dan bit his bottom lip, "remember last Sunday?" He didn't want to bring it up anymore but there's a nagging feeling on his stomach and brain that demands him to take the opportunity, "you said that, theoretically speaking, you would go out with me." Dan is whispering his words and Phil have to lean a little bit closer to hear it.

When he realised what Dan said, Phil moved away a bit, "I guess yeah." He's uncomfortable at the moment. Sure there's only like eight people including them inside the ice cream parlour but they're still people and he's nervous about someone catching up with their conversation.

Dan noticed the frequent movements of Phil's eyes, observing everyone. "Do you want to stay a little bit in our flat?" He's taking risky moves and Dan was nervous and he can feel his hands sweating, "if you like, I'm not forcing you. Thomas is there." He added laughing awkwardly a little to lessen the tension that he can feel forming between them.

"Sure," Phil smiled and grabbed his bag on the floor.

When they arrived at their destination, Thomas was at the living room, watching the TV and sitting on the couch whilst drinking tea, “there are brownies at the table in the kitchen, Jeanette made a lot and I can’t consume all of those.”

Dan answered, “yeah, maybe later.” And then they went into Dan’s room.


Dan blurted out, “Would you like to go out with me?” They’re sitting comfortably on the floor, Phil was talking about something and he immediately shut up after Dan’s sudden confession.

“Wait, I mean. What?” Phil knew this question is going to be asked sooner but he didn’t expect it to be this soon, “I don’t know. Look, I’m still confused, sometimes I’m like ‘maybe I am not’ and then there are times where I still remember what he and I did and smile wishing for more. I think I am not capable of being in a relationship at the moment.” He folded his legs near his chest and hug it, “but maybe we can, like we’re still the same old us but with some couple-y stuffs added.”

He doesn’t want that, “I’m sorry,” Dan breathe in, “I’m here as your friend and I’m like forcing you to like me back,” Dan paused for a moment and stare at Phil, “but can I at least try to woo you to really really like me back?” He smiled and he can feel his neck and ears heating up, confessing a minute ago didn’t gave him this kind of effect.

Phil hid half of his face into his arms and mumbled silently, “yeah.” Phil didn’t know that he can really blush, when he sticks his cheeks into his arm it was really warm.

Dan wanted to jump, he’s not completely hopeless over Phil, “I don’t know how am I supposed to respond,” he awkwardly laughed, “but since the clock indicated that it is nearing seven, perhaps you need to go home, love?”

“You’re not allowed to give me some ‘pet names’ yet.” And he punched Dan on his shoulder.


“You’re lying Dan.” Janine huffed.

Dan spun himself on his swivel chair, “guess what? Janine, I think I am the happiest man alive.”

Janine laughed, “holy-, do your best!”


Phil is slumped on his bed, still thinking that today is only a dream. He lay on his stomach and planted his face on his pillow and groaned, he’s supposed to be studying and checking if his three group mates are willing to participate or they decided to form a new group.

His phone dinged and he took it out of his bag without moving out of his position, squinted his eyes at the sudden brightness of the device against his dimly lit room.

‘good night, sweet dreams xx’

“I swear to everything, if Dan is going to be chessy with me I’m going to step on a lego.” He grumbled, but Phil cannot contain the smile on his face, it was literally the first time someone (other than his mother and father) is doing something for his attention.


This chapter is short, really really short. 
I planned on updating yesterday but something went wrong, the chapter that I completed was not saved, only five sentences survived. (wattpad was under 'maintenance' at that time and I fucked up and selected 'keep local copy: yesterday'-something and I was back from where I started writing this.)

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