Chapter 13

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How to make someone notice that you like them without telling them? Probably by not ignoring and pissing them; drop hints? How?

"Dan!" Phil clapped his hands in front of Dan, "how's the land of rainbows?"

Dan rolls his eyes, "ha ha, Phil very funny."

Wrong Dan! Wrong! You should have complemented him and laugh at his 'joke'.

No, I can still make snarky comebacks at him whenever I like.

"Earth to Dan?" Dan raised his eyebrow and cross his arms on his chest staring at Phil. He can stare and speak clearly again in front of him, what a great development.

"I'm here, I'm just thinking."

About you, say it Dan, say it!

Shut up.

"You're here in our sitting room and you're thinking whilst I am explaining to you my project. Rude." Phil sighed, tucked his blueprints and other papers back into a folder, "so, what is this important thing you're thinking about."

Dan blushed, he snorted to cover it up and stare at the beautiful vase on his side, "not that important."

"Blah blah, what is it?" Phil inched closer and bumps his shoulder into Dan's, "tell me, tell me."

He can tell right? But the feeling of being rejected and losing a friend is scary and he would rather be friends with Phil rather than being rejected and Phil avoiding him. Or maybe he can drop hints, "okay, Phil I am going to be serious here. Please don't freak out and don't frown like that," Phil moved back to his own place, "I like someone," Dan can feel his ears heating up, Phil is smiling wide. "I don't know if he likes me too, you know that common problem?"

"Treating that person special is a good thing to start."

"I want to make him know that I like him without saying out loud."

"Flirt with him without seeming like you're flirting? Like, lock eyes with him but I think it's quite hard, considering he's also a guy and dropping things like that is hardly noticeable, you know?" Phil frowns and bit his bottom lip, "I am not an experienced guy when it comes to another guy, but telling what you feel straight away is always the best." He scratched his nose, "worked for me once."

Perhaps this will work, he will follow Phil's advice and make Phil realise and feel that he like him. However telling straight away isn't his kind of thing, so subtle hints will do, "thank you." It feels weird. He can feel his stomach aching from nervousness, embarrassment and excitement. "What will you do if I confess to you?" That was a mistake, Dan abruptly stopped breathing, Phil's smile ceased and he looks at Dan, his eyes blinking fast.

"What did you say?" Phil whispered

Dan can still solve this trouble, he can say, it's just what if question, "will you reject me if I said let's go out?"

Phil's speechless, he cannot respond, it's not like Dan is asking him out, and he's just asking a question, perhaps for self-confidence, but the seriousness in Dan's expression tells otherwise. He's looking at Phil intently waiting for an answer, "I don't know, probably yes, you're handsome, clever and tall. Hell, girls would be sad knowing you play on the other team, you know. I'm blabbing, I'm going to stop, sorry, I'm just nervous and stuff. Hahaha," he stands up, "I'll get some tea and snacks."

His heart is hammering in his chest, his breathing is ragged and his hands are shaking. What the fuck, that was unexpected, he's not prepared and he's not attracted to Dan. Sure the things he said are true, Dan is charming and clever, but the yes part, he's not sure about that. Dan is surely weirded out by his answer. Carefully, he snatches some snacks on the cupboard whilst waiting for the water to boil.

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