Chapter 5

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It’s Friday and Phil is still asleep even though it is nine-thirty in the morning. He has the reason that every time it is his day-off or he doesn’t have to attend school, nobody is allowed to wake him up at six-thirty in the morning. Everybody in their household (which is consisted of only his father, mother and him) accepted it. His parents can accept his whims because their son studies hard and they don’t have to pay for his tuition.

 About five minutes passed and Phil decided to be a functional human being. He sat up and adjusts his still sleepy eyes. After adjusting his vision, he stands up and stretches his numb limbs; he went out of his room and stumble towards their bathroom to brush his teeth. He greeted his mother a good morning when he saw her cleaning the dishes and quickly went back to his room to get clothes and necessary items for bathing.

He’s going to go to his friend’s house to tutor some kid who is rather bad at calculus. His friend, Thomas has graduated already, he and Phil still stayed friends even though Thomas is now a Bank Manager, they both have busy schedules but on their free time they always chat and Thomas mentioned his cousin who’s not quite good at calculus and he can’t tutor him. Phil immediately picks the job of tutoring his cousin and it seems like Thomas is ready to pay a right price.

Thomas called him yesterday asking for Phil’s glorious skills and to give some of his talents to his cousin, who still unnamed. 

He said to meet him up at his flat at eleven-thirty, room number two-two-one.

It was ten-thirty when Phil leaves his house; he hailed a cab and gave the address to the driver. He can afford paying a cabbie, considering the allowance his parents are giving to him (not that much but still a good sum of money). When he arrived at his destination which is only a five minute walk away from his university, he called Thomas and it directly went into a voicemail. Instead of calling his friend who maybe is busy working, again and again, Phil went inside the building.

All the doors are painted in white and Phil repeats the flat number of his friend on his head. When he reached the two-two-one door he knocks on it. No one seems to be inside the house, or Thomas’s cousin is still sleeping. What a lazy ass kid.

He knocks again but hardly this time his knuckles turned in a hue of red. 

“Wait a minute!” A muffled voice from the inside shouted and Phil straightened himself, tugging at the bottom of his plaid and tapping his trainers on the floor. The locked door made a tick sound, “I am doing my homework sto-” Dan appeared in the front door and Phil frowned at him. He glances at the flat number again and then at Dan. “What are you doing here?” Dan glares at him and Phil crossed his arms in response.

“This is number two-hundred and twenty-one, right?” Phil asked and Dan retreated behind the door, only his head poking out.

“Yes. What do you want?”

“I came here to teach some stupid kid who doesn’t know his basic algebra.” Phil is smirking, now he knows who this mysterious cousin his friend talking about is. Thomas and Dan don’t have any resemblance and Phil didn’t expect that Thomas, that Thomas who is almost good at everything is Dan’s cousin.

“Oh…” Dan blinks and he remembered asking his cousin for help for his studies and he said some good friend of his is going to tutor him. Good friend isn’t a synonym for Phil Lester. “It’s you? Like, really, really you?” 

Phil scoffs, “In my might and glory.” He opened his arms and smile at Dan. “I should probably come in.”

Dan opens the door wide enough for Phil to enter, “I thought some smart-looking guy will come here and save me from maths like a damsel in distress.” Dan mumbles and Phil snap his head at Dan raising his eyebrow in the process.


“Nothing” Dan answered and leads Phil in the living room where his book, notebook and papers with scribbles are scattered on the coffee table. “Uh… Sorry for the mess. Want some coffee, tea?” 

“No, it's okay, let’s get into the business.” He sits on the floor and pick-up Dan’s book, Dan just stares at Phil, “shall we?” Phil looked up at Dan and Dan hurriedly sits in front of him. 

They started to study, first they went back into basic algebra, Phil taught Dan how equations are formed and how other equations are derived, however when an hour has passed Dan feels something’s wrong, Phil isn’t in his usual high and mighty attitude and Dan believes in ‘the calm before the storm’. His focused on studying wavered and he keeps glancing at Phil’s face looking for some planned mischief up on his sleeve.

Phil noticed Dan glancing at him, first he stopped his idiotic sound of ‘ooo’ and now he can see at the corner of his eyes that Dan is glancing at him instead of nodding his head whilst writing some points to be remembered. Phil closed Dan’s thick book on calculus and it made Dan to stir out of his imaginary land, he quickly looked down at his paper, his eyes wide and he gulps audibly. 

“What the hell is wrong? First you’re participating and now you’re staring?” Phil angrily said and stares hardly at Dan. “If you want a staring contest, okay, I’ll participate? Or maybe you want a break? Okay, take one right now!” Phil pushed his hair out of his forehead making it stand awkwardly on the top of his head. 

“Uh…” Dan twirls his pen in his hand, “Are you planning something? Okay, that was a bad question. You’ve spread a horrible rumour about me and you expect me to stay quiet whilst you’re discussing something?” Dan stands up, “I don’t know man. What if you’ve got a knife under those skinny jeans of yours? I don’t believe I let you in.”

Phil closed his eyes and stands up, “Business is business.” He stated and opens his eyes directly staring at Dan. “If you wanted me out, okay, bye,” Phil starts walking backwards towards the entrance, “see, if I fucking turn around right now, I’ll be gone and I fucking expect that you’ve understood what I have taught you because I don’t like wasting my saliva talking to air.” He turns around, “answer page eleven and see if you fucking understand a thing.” Dan heard the door to slams closed.

Dan didn’t think Phil takes studying so seriously and of course Phil suddenly being good at him will make him overly conscious about his life, no not that bad, but seriously Phil talks smart in front of him, his hair covering a little bit of his blue eyes and the way his voice soothes his head is freaky. And Dan noticing all of this is freaky too. 

“I think I need to say sorry.” Dan mumbled and flopped down into the couch.

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