Chapter 9

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Nobody likes their school’s hell week. It is the time where the students’ blood streams are replaced with coffee, everyone is busy studying and memorising their preliminary’s scope for exam and basically students’ are loosing one week (or maybe longer) amount of their social life. Except for Phil, because he was so busy getting caught up with his new found obsession that started a week ago and he cannot spare any time for studying. Now all of his slacking off is paying its toll.

He tried to calm down when reality hit him hard, when their test papers are being passed and they needed to answer them less than one and a half hour. Stock knowledge is his last resort but not everything on their exam is available in his mind, in fact less than half of the questions are things that he knew. He’s royally fucked, this isn’t the first time that he forgot to study and letting that happen again is on the bottom of his to-do list (or not on his list at all).

‘This is only prelims there are midterms and finals, prelims are only thirty percent of our final grade. Thirty percent, damn that’s not a low number.’

Dan knows that he rock those exams. It was all easy, the answers are pouring out of his pen and he cannot stop from writing, good god it was a fun experience. He blocked out all of the confusing shit in his brain to review, including the not-so-appropriate scene that he witnessed last week in their own kitchen, he was glad that they hadn’t caught him, if they did it will cause a massive shit storm and Dan doesn’t want to experience that especially this week. Perhaps one thing that exams do good to you is that, it helps you to forgot about other things and focus on studying, it wasn’t fun, but it can be a temporary solution for any problems you’ve got, because you’ll only need to worry about the marks that you will receive.

The exams week is over and everybody can now rest and wait in anticipation or fear to see their marks, Dan is on the excited team whilst Phil is on the why-the-fuck-are-exams-invented team.

When Dan finally received all of his papers he wanted to cry out of joy because he got B- up to B+. He silently thanked his over-priced books, their coffee maker and his hand for not giving up by writing all of his lectures. Maybe he’s really smart but at the same time lazy (not a really good combination).

Phil on the other hand wanted to bury all of his paper or burn them to ashes because his marks are scaling from C to B-. His scholarship is on the verge of sinking and now he needed to burn his eyes by studying everyday, because fucking hell he needed that scholarship.

It’s Friday and Dan is chilling out on their sitting room watching some kind of drama show on the television, he doesn’t have any classes today and Phil cancelled their tutorial session on last minute. Thomas is out until six, so Dan is alone for half of the day without doing anything. Deciding that he doesn’t like the show on the telly he shut it off and went back to his room, better be scrolling through tumblr rather than sitting without doing anything.

On the other hand Phil is still laying flat on his bed, fuck the sun and everything else. His parents said that it is no big deal to have those marks because it’s only the beginning of the semester but in Phil’s mind, everything from the start to the end is important to have high marks. And now he is sulking and shutting the world out, god damn those times he wasted instead of studying and decided to goof off with Thomas but hey, those were fun times. But still…

He reached out for his phone on his nightstand, should he message someone and ask for opinion or figure it out by himself. It is quite late for him to have identity crisis or perhaps there’s really no exact time for a person to have one, Phil is having a match on his brain whether it is just a phase and he just wanted to experience it or he really is enjoying what he is doing. He doesn’t have any idea about what would be the result of the things he’s doing, will it be bad or good. Is he hiding inside the closet or he’s just triggered to do these things for ‘experiments’. Better ask someone’s opinion who is knowledgeable about this topic.

Its nine am, Dan’s phone rings out loud, he look at the caller’s name and frown seeing his ‘favourite’ person calling him in the morning.


“Meet me at the Chinese resto, Quarry Bay at ten-thirty.” Dan will not let Phil control things again, so he quickly interrupted him before ending the call.

“What for?” He asked

“For Science,” Phil immediately ended the call before Dan could protest again.

Who does Phil think he is? The Queen? How can he be sure that Dan would show up at their meeting place at that time when he rudely called him like that? But because he’s not doing anything important at the moment Dan decided to show up, but still late for about fifteen minutes because Phil is a jerk.

“You’re late.” Phil said looking up at him whilst sipping an iced tea.

Dan pulled out the chair in front of Phil, “maybe you should start asking nicely.” Dan grabbed the menu on the table.

“For what?” A waiter came up to them and Dan gave his order so does Phil.

Dan rolled his eyes, “for shit and giggles, obviously.”

“You still came here though,” Phil stares at Dan.

Dan cleared his throat, “so, what now? We’re going to eat, chat about our uncertain future and inevitable de-.”

He was interrupted when Phil leans, “I am having a problem, I think I might be a little gay.” He whispered. Well that was an easy start, Phil just literally announced the main event without second opinions and it feels good getting it out of his chest and mind.

‘No shit Sherlock, I just saw you last week sucking my cousin’s face,’ Dan wanted to retort but looking at Phil like he is a lost puppy Dan bit his tongue and nodded his head, letting the other man to continue.

“You know, it started after you,” Phil looks around nervously, “after what you did and then I tried it to others and I like it.”

When Phil said others Dan is one hundred percent sure that, that other is Thomas. “I did it a multiple times with him,” Dan nearly chokes on his own saliva because of the new information that he received that they did it (kissing) a multiple times. He’s going to place Thomas on a hot seat later for questioning, “its fun.” Phil concluded whilst fumbling with his hands, “I don’t know how to describe the feeling.”

“Do you like the guy?”

Phil looks uncertain and then nodded his head, “yeah, a little. Platonically?”

Their food came and the waiter sets it in front of them, Dan’s having a chao pan whilst Phil have sweet and sour fillet, Dan nodded at the waiter before he moves away from their table, “platonically? Really,” Phil rolled his eyes.

“I don’t know, that’s why I am asking you.”

“Asking me what?” Dan said and then shoves a mouthful of food in his mouth.

“This is your fault take responsibility,” Phil said, “my grades got low and I am always distracted, I want to get back to my normal self.”

Dan gulped and guiltily bit his lip. He knows what Phil is feeling and Dan doesn’t have any idea what to say to him because everyone have different cases and Dan doesn’t want to make Phil more confused towards himself when he states his solution or opinion or whatever Phil wanted, “it’s up to you.” He mumbled and continued to eat.

A simple act like what he did can’t make anybody change their preference instantly, right? Maybe it can if the person is considering on playing on the other team. 

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