Chapter 1

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Everything that will happen and said here are for the sake of the plot.


"As far as I am concerned, we're here to discuss about Environmental Engineering not talking bullshit about me." Phil angrily snaps.

His professor is not addressing someone he keeps saying 'they' or 'them', however his nasty side glances at Phil whilst talking cannot be missed. Of course he's talking about him, it's fucking obvious.

His first week as a Third year Mechanical Engineering student is great until he met this guy. This professor of his that keeps talking about how students should behave, how should they become a role model because they are fucking Third year students. Maybe Phil did something bad when he's in First year and Second year, something like for example, starting a riot literally inside the campus, but no, it's not that bad, at least nobody died.

Not the less he got good grades to compensate about it, he's a straight A student and when he does something bad, nobody really gives a shit about it, just some warnings here and there and then done, he's innocent. Like a puppy that literally destroyed your shoes but still you forgave it. He's one of this University's protégés.

However this Professor Brendan is still giving a crap about his attitude, "What is it Lester?" He said, feigning ignorance that he successfully angered his target.

Phil clutch his pen, the poor little thing suffering from his fury on his hand, "Can we just start with the lecture because all this crap are useless, you're the only professor who gives this speech to Third year college students. But I don't really mind, it's just that the money that we're paying you is getting useless as the minutes pass by." He smirks, he just sass the shit out of his professor. Great

Professor Brendan's face can only be described in one word; fury. His brows knitted together, he gnaw on his upper lip and the visibly click of his tongue echoes on the now silent classroom.

Phil wants to laugh and jeer at his poor professor but he conceals it with a snort. His professor cleared his throat when some students start to giggle.

"I want t-" Professor Brendan got cut off when the bell rings, his words dying as the loud ringing of bell penetrates their classroom.

The students starts to arrange and shove their things on their bag, it's only the first week of first semester, so they're only carrying necessary things suited for this kind of days. When the loud bell stops, their professor dismisses them.

"Three hours wasted because of crap." Phil mumbles and then joins his circle of friends.

He got one and a half hour long break before his next lesson to starts.

"Did you know that Phil literally made Professor Brendan shut up?" One of his friends Andy said, laughing at the said memory. "I mean he keeps ranting and ranting. Is he really like that?" He added and looks around in the table they're sitting at.

"Yes, he did that to us. Just like what you described!" Megan answered, her voice high pitched as she moves her hand with her fork in the air pointing it at Andy.

They keep their conversation not noticing the person they're praising is slipping out of their table.

Phil who is easily recognized on the Engineering Building starts to receive so much greetings, 'hey, man!', 'Phil, good to see you!' he keeps nodding his head a fake smile stretched on his lips. For god's sake he just need to go to the bathroom to take a piss, he don't need random people (who he didn't even bothering knowing their names) having a long talk about how great and how they adore him.

He took the place where less students can be seen, it's been his hiding place since he became quite infamous. A bathroom is presented there, it's a little unclean compare to the others but still usable.

When he opened the door, he stops in front of the dimly lit bathroom, something seems off. There are muffled noises coming from one of the stalls.

He carefully steps in silently cursing to himself that he should just leave instead of snooping around, but then he heard a low grunt and it picks his interest more.

"Just fucking do it!" A low angry whisper echoed and Phil stop dead on his tracks his mind starts to race. Should he open the mysterious stall and rescue someone who needed to be rescued? Then he heard a click, a lock being opened. He quickly hide in one of the stall and lock it, they noticed his movements, he is sure about that but when a ear-splitting scream filled the silent bathroom his mind change and he is sure that they didn't hear him.

"Fag." And then angry footsteps start to disappear.


Phil walks out of his hiding corner and checks that the stall next to him is now open, he peers inside and saw a guy, his uniform same as Phil; white dress shirt, gray vest and black slacks, he have a different colored school crest on his right chest meaning he's in different department.

The guy is sitting down on the toilet, head's turn downward and a hand on his side. When he noticed someone's presence he moves his head up, the horror on his face is visible. He pales, mouth drops open, he stands up fast and grimaces at the sudden movement.

"No, shit. We didn't do something or anything." His voice is wavering, Phil just stares.

They're inside a stall.

Two guys

He wanted him to do 'it'

He called him fag.

Phil's face screams pity towards the guy and it seems like the man relaxes a little.

He steps back, a lopsided smile formed into his lips and then he laughs, "Fucking fantastic!"

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