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This is the part where you run

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This is the part where you run


I stood outside of the Salvatore school waiting for Dr.Saltzman and Hope to arrive with the new student and the twins, Josie and Lizzie standing beside me. "Look their here." Josie says pointing at the opening gate. "I hope he's cute."Lizzie says and we smiled and shake our heads at her. "Restrain yourself, Liz he hasn't even walked through the doors yet." I say shaking my head.

"You missed breakfast this morning. I was saving you a seat."Josie said making me turn my head towards her. "Sorry Jo, I woke up late again." I said and she nods. "You make it up to me tomorrow." She said with a smile and I nod. "I promise. You, me and two strawberry milkshakes tomorrow morning." I promised. The school van pulls up in front of us and I put on a welcoming smile.

"Welcome to the Salvatore school. We're your tour guides. I'm Amara."I say. "I'm Lizzie." She says. "And I'm Josie."She smiles. "Rafael, why don't you go ahead with the girls. While I talk to Landon." Alaric says. "Good morning Hope." I say with a smile as the twins link their arms with Rafael. "Morning Hope." The twins say. "Good Morning Mara. Morning girls." Hope says and we begin to walk away. "More like despair." Liz says under her breath.

"I heard that." Hope says. "No, you didn't." She says. "Didn't have to." Hope says and I just shake my head as we walk away. The twins and Hope have always had a rocky relationship , their bickering is normal for them. "Everyone behave." Alaric says. "Love you dad." The twins say and followed behind me.


The four of us walked down the halls of the school, showing Rafael around and telling him about the school. "Everybody gets along with everybody here, for the most part." Josie says. "The wolves are pretty cliquey. They like to hang around their own." Liz said. "In defiance of the school's commitment to inclusiveness." I said. "That is why we volunteered to be your tour guides. To give you a good witch welcome before your hairer brethren corrupt you." Lizzie said. I laugh lightly at lizzie comments, I'm always the person who takes the new students on a tour of the school and I was wondering why the twins asked me if they could help.

"That is our librarian, Mr. Williams. He's subbing for our chemistry of magic teacher who accidentally incinerated himself last week in hellfire."Josie said smiling a bit. "Burned all the hair off his body, but didn't leave a scar." Lizzie said. "Now, this language has been carefully crafted over centuries. So you may think you can play and loose with the syllables, but you'd be very wrong about that. Because otherwise, a love charm becomes a what?" Mr. Williams asked and Penelope raises her hand. "Penelope, show us." He said. "She who shall not be named." Lizzie says rolling her eyes. "Talking about her gives her power." Josie says. "I honestly don't see what you ever saw in her." I said glaring at Penelope. "Who are you talking about?" Rafael asked. "Josie's evil ex." Lizzie answered.

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