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What Was Hope Doing In Your Dream?

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What Was Hope Doing In Your Dream?


I went looking for Hope and I found her standing by Dr. Slatzman office. "Hey, you ready?" I asked before seeing Alaric sleeping at his desk. "What'd you do to him?" I asked. "Nothing. He's so tired, he must've nodded off on his own." Hope said and I shrugged. "Well let's go get this over with." I said and she nodded before we walked back to the gym. That's where everyone was getting ready and laying down covers.

Hope walked over to Landon while I laid my sleeping bag on the floor. "Landon, I don't think you should do this." Hope said and yes I was ease dropping. "No. Uh-uh. You don't get to ignore me all day then make decisions for me." Landon said. "You're gonna be inside of a nightmare." She said. "Yeah." He said. "This monster can get inside of your head, use your worst fears against you." She says. "Are you kidding? My biggest fear was fitting in here. Now I'm a dreams warrior. Plus, I saved the day. Well, I- no, I found the plan that saved the day.

You're the one that's actually gonna save the day. Which is sexy, by the way." He said and I rolled my eyes. "I'm staying, and I'm gonna help you stop this thing." He said. "I don't know what it's gonna take to stop it. But maybe there's on thing that you can do to help me." She said before whispering in his ear and I blocked off that part not wanting to mess up the plan. I looked at the boy as they laid down on the floor and put my hands on my hips. "Sweet dreams, boys" I said as they looked up at me nervously.


It was now eleven at night and it seem as the boys were sleeping peacefully, all thing concerned. Hope and I waited in the hall for the monster to break into the hidden safe. "God I hope this works." I said and Hope squeezed my hand. "It's going to work. Trust me." She said and I nodded. "Unfortunately I do." I said sarcastically and she playfully rolls her eyes and let's go of my hand.

Our smiles fade when we here a crash, meaning the monster took the bate. Hope and I glanced at each other before I sped off to catch it off guard. "Did I tell Landon the wrong hiding place for the urn? Opps." Hope says and I heard it growl before I stepped out and kicked it in the back and pushing it forward. Hope and I then started to attack it together, the plan was to lead it to the gym where the boys were.

"If I die, tell uncle Damon i love him." I said and her eyes widen. "Wait what?" She asked before I jumped forward, kicking the Oneiroi in its chest, sending it flying across the fall but he was still standing. Me, however was scrambling off the floor as it started running towards us again. "Holy shit." I shouted as Hope and I started to run. "Never do that again!" Hope said grabbing my hand as we continue down the wall.

"Okay, I'd admit it was stupid and my butt hurts from the fall but I had to get some separation. It was kicking our ass." I said and she rolled her eyes. We got to the gym doors and stopped and turned to the monster before taking it head on. I groaned as the three of us smashed through the gym door and crashing onto the ground. We both stood up and the boy circled it when it started to opened it's creepy wings. "Stay back guys, I got this." Hope said and we backed off before she threw herself forward and tackling it to the ground. The monster wrapped it's hands around her throat and Alaric ran into the room right on time.

"How was your beauty nap?" I asked and he rolled his eyes. "Just stab it in the eyes." He said tossing me an arrow. I ran over to Hope before breaking the arrow in half and jamming the monster in both eyes. Hope sighed in relief as the dream demon hand falls from her neck. It's body disappears in a black dust and I help Hope to her feet. "Yeah, sexy as hell." Kaleb says and Hope and I glanced at each, slightly confused. "I don't know about you but I haven't slept in two day... good night." I said before we all left the room.


I was walking to my room from the bathroom and even though I glad that we won another battle with some creepy monster but the thought of Hope Mikaelson keeps sneaking up on me. How her and Landon seem closer then ever and i know I have no right to be jealous but i am. I hear a door open and close behind before Hope's voice hits my ears. I turned and she smiled softly at me, soft enough to make me melt but I did my best to not let it show "Hey." She said. "Hey." I said plainly. "Great job tonight." She said and I nodded.

"Thanks, Hope." I said and went to turn back around but her hand gently grabs my arm. "Are you okay?" She asked and I froze up as I looked down at her. I didn't know how to answer her, how do I tell a girl as perfect as her that I've like her my whole life and that I hate her boyfriend existence. "You know, it feels like I've been waiting for the other shoe to drop with you." She said. "There's no other shoe Hope..I'm just tired. Go find Landon I know you want too." I said and before she could respond I walked away and into my room.

Tiktok: mywattpadworld11

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