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What Was Hope Doing In Your Dream?

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What Was Hope Doing In Your Dream?


"The senior witch faculty has mixed together a batch of energy herbs to help you stay awake. So, for those who are not getting on the evacuation bus, for lack of better term, please does yourselves responsibly." Dr. Saltzman said over P.A and I giggled putting my mug down. "I'm gonna get sued." He said. "Or hexed at the very least." I said and Ric rolled his eyes. "You don't have to be so hard on yourself. My last school, the gym teacher was dealing coke under the bleachers." Landon said. "Oh, yeah, that only makes me feel marginally better." He said and I chuckled. "Ow." Landon says. "Hey, uh, hold still. I'm almost done." Hope said holding onto his hand while I imagined ripping that arm off his body.

"Okay. What do you think she meant when she said bring it home?" Landon asked. "I'm guessing she means Malivore. It seems her plan is to torment us until we produce the urn." He said. "Wait. if the Night Hag is a monster that's trapped on the astral plane, then how can she even physically take the urn anywhere?" I asked. "Yeah. The book also says the Night Hag can't affect our reality, but Rafael's welt and Landon's hand seemed to prove that wrong. When your research consists of fairy tales and urban legends, sometimes the stories get twisted." Ric said and I sighed.

"Human dragon, anyone?" Hope muttered softly. "Dorian might be busy with the evacuation, but we'll figure this out. When the Night Hag finds a way to get the urn, we'll be there to stop it." He said and I nodded. "Well, at least it was a pretty memorable first day." Landon said. "Yeah, and the Night Hag is likely just getting started. You know, Landon, I really wish you'd just evacuate with the others." Ric said. "I worked so hard to get here. If I run at the first sign of trouble, what's the point?" He asked. "The point is you might not make it to your second day here." I sarcastically smiled and Landon sighs.

"What, Amara, means is that we're trying to look after you." Ric said and I roll my eyes and nodded. "Honestly, you three are taking better care of me than anyone in my life ever has. Course , I had to stab myself to get your attention." He said look over at Hope. She tried to looked anywhere but his face and I knew she was feeling very guilty. "You know, we're all good here. Come on, Mar." Hope said standing up and takes my hand. "Bye, Landon." I said with a wave and a cocky smile before we left the room.

"Hey, wait." I said tugging on her hand and she stopped and turned to face me. "Yeah?" She asked. "How about we meet in the gym and release some stem and get your mind off what's going on?" I asked and she smiled. "That's exactly what I was thinking. See you in ten?" She asked and I nod. "See you ten." I said and headed towards my room.


I walked into the gym and I see Rafael punching the hell out of the punching bag like it stole something

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I walked into the gym and I see Rafael punching the hell out of the punching bag like it stole something. "Hey. What the bag do to you?" I asked jokingly. "I'm almost done here." He chuckles. "I'll get out your way." He said taking off his gloves. "You know, if you want you could spar with me and Hope." I said and his smiled dropped. "And Hope?" He asked and I nodded. "Yeah, she's getting dressed now." I said. "Nah, it's cool. Maybe next time?" He asked and I nodded. "Yeah, sure." I said and he smiled and walked away and as he was leaning Hope was coming in.

"Hey, you ready?" She asked with the cutest smile. "Born ready, love." I smirked and we began. She threw the first two punches and I dodged them both before landing a punch to her arm. "You're being too gentle." She said. "I'm punching you with half my weight." I said knowing I'm stronger then I look. "Give me all of it." She said throwing another punch towards my face and thank god I ducked. I hit her in the chest making her back up and she throws another punch but I catch her hand and smirked.

"It's gonna hurt, babe." I said and she rolled her eyes playfully. "No, it's not."she said before kicking her leg at my head which I dodge before kicking her in her side and landing two punches to her stomach. She went to kick me again and I grabbed her foot and pushed her into a flip that ended with her shoe to my lip. "Don't make me take you down." She said. "Well that depends on how you're going to take me down." I flirted and she laughed before we both attack at the same time.

We blocked each other hits before I was able to kick her in the leg making her fall on one knee. She stayed there for a minute and I got worried. "Hope. You okay?" I asked and went to touch her and the sneaky little witch flipped me over and pinned me to the ground. I didn't mind Hope sitting on me like this, I was loving the view. "Sneaky little witch." I smile and she laughs as I tapped out and she fall beside me.

"Jesus, woman." I say out of breath and she laughs. "I'm really sorry about all the things that happened to you in your life that made you so good at brawling, but I really needed that just now." She said and I smiled at her. "You can thank uncle Damon for that, not so much my trauma." I laughed before I hear the door open and someone stomping in. "Hey, can I talk to Hope for a minute." Rafael said and I sat up and looked at Hope. "Go. I'll catch up with you later." She said and I nodded. "She's all yours." I said before getting off the ground and leaving the two alone.


I was in my room before Landon came with Hope and Dr. Slatzman saying he figured something out. "Let's pretend for second that the research isn't wrong. Maybe the Night Hag can't hurt us in real life. Maybe the Night can't leave the astral plane and get ahold of the urn, so maybe we are not dealing with a Night Hag." Landon said leading us to the library. "Well, if it walks like a Night Hag, and talks like a Night Hag, what else could it be?" Alaric asked.

"That's exactly what I was wondering, so then I started going through all these books, and boom." He said showing us the book. "What's an Oneiroi?" I asked. "It's a black-winged shapeshifting dream demon from Greek mythology." Alaric said and I groaned. "Of course." I said. "Yeah, of course he knows what it is." Landon chuckles. "Why would one monster disguise itself as another monster? The Oneiroi sounds freaky enough." Hope said .

"Because if we knew what it actually was we'd know how to stop it." I said and Landon nodded. "Hope, kiss him for me." Dr. Slatzman said before running out. Landon and Hope have each other awkward looks so I decided to break the ice. "If not him, you can always kiss me." I teased and puckered up. She laughs and softly pushes my face away making me laugh as well.


I texted MG and told him to come to the library with Kaleb and Rafael because we had news to tell them. "A black-winged what?" Kaleb asked. "Shapeshifting dream demon." All three of us said. "I know it sounds bad, but now that we know what the creature is, we can fight it." Hope said. "How the hell are we supposed to kill a dream demon?" Rafael asked.

"Leave that part to me. But since I can't fall asleep without compromising the location of the urn, I need someone else to pull it out of the dream plane and into our walking reality." Hope says. "So, Freddy Krueger. Like I said." MG said and I nodded. "Wait, how the hell are we supposed to do that?"Raf asked. "

"If it's anything like the movies, we just grab and pull. Easy Peezy." I said. "Yeah, okay. Is it too late to get on the evaluation bus?" Kaleb asked. "No. I mean, I'm not gonna ask all of you to stay for this, it has to be your choice." Hope said. "I'm not leaving unless Hope does." Landon said and I rolled my eyes. "We already know the answer to that, so.." I smiled sarcastically and Landon glared at me.

"I'm not leaving Landon behind." Rafael said. "I'm a founding member of the super squad, so I can't bail." MG said and I smiled. "Y'all gonna get yourselves killed." Kaleb said and I shrugged. "I'm already dead." I said and MG nodded. "If MG stays, I stay. No child left behind." He said and we smiled. "In that case, it's naptime." Hope said.

TIKTOK: mywattpadworld11

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