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We're Gonna Need A Spotlight </3

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We're Gonna Need A Spotlight

This morning I woke up to bells ringing and I instantly knew it was a new monster falling into Hope's trap, I would know she made me helped her set it up yesterday. I threw my cover off my body before jumping out my bed and running outside into the hall way, I met Hope, Dr. Slatzman and Dorian at the front door.
"Sounds like the trap worked." Hope said. "Then why are we stand here, let's go." I said walking ahead with them following behind me.

We walked outside and towards the woods where Hope's trap was located. "I know this is important but you couldn't have put pants on first?" Hope asked Dr. Saltzman and I cringed, just now noticing his lack of pants. "Little early for snark, Hope." He says in a annoyed tone. "I'll take her snark any day, if it gets you into some pants." I spat and Hope smiled as He rolled his eyes. "Any guess on what famous monster from flimland we get to slay today?" Dorian asked us and Alaric scoffs. "With our luck, it'll be Cthulhu." He said.

"False alarm." Dorian says making us three stop and look ahead. "It's just a horse." He said and walked towards it and we followed. "Must've gotten out of the stables and wandered across the barrier spell." Alaric said but I shake my head as I look at it. "Expect we don't have a white horse." I said and the horse turned its head and I gasped when I see the horn coming out of its head. When it comes towards us Alaric and Dorian pulled their weapons out. Hope and I jumped in front of it both with our hands up.

"What in the actual fuck are you two doing?" I asked "it's a monster, Amara. It's here to take the artifact." Dorian says. "Your not seriously suggesting we kill a unicorn?" Hope asked and I agreed. "I'm on her side." I said and they both rolled their eyes. "I'm suggesting we don't give it a pass because it cute."Dorian said. "Can't we just...leave it alone? It's trapped, it's not going anywhere." Hope says. "It's harmless." I say and Alaric sighed. "You're right. As long as we keep it alive, other creatures won't be coming for the urn." He said and i nodded.

"So we just stay alert and let it be." He said. "I'll be on alert back in bed." Dorian said before turning to back and I nodded. Alaric followed suit and head back towards the school and I held my hand out for Hope. "Come on, we'll figure it out together, tomorrow." I said and she takes my hand and we both follow behind our teachers. "Coming to my room?" She asked and I yawned. "Yeah. I'd like that." I said and she smiled and nods.


The next morning, I walked down the hall with Hope and she was acting a bit strange and by strange I mean overly happy and touchy but I'm not gonna complain, it's been a while since she smiled like this. Hope sees Landon and Rafael and dragged me over. "Morning, handsome." Hope said sitting next to Landon. "Handsomes." I corrected and Rafe smiled. "Mmm. Sweet, sweet carbs." Hope said taking a piece of Landon's donut. "Somebody's in a really good mood." Rafael said and Hope smiled and looped her arm around mine and shrugged.

"Hmm. Just woke up next to this beauty." She smiled at me and I smirked at the look on Landon's face. "For the first time ever?" He asked. "Oh Noo, she never leaves my bed." I said with a sarcastic tone and Hope giggled. I don't know why she's acting all sunshine but as long as I get to piss Landon off, I'm cool with it. "Your so funny. I love that about you." She said nudging me softly and I smiled. The twins then stood in front of us and I smiled. "Good morning Rafael." Lizzie greeted awkwardly. "Hi. Uh, how was your trip?" He asked. "Excellent. Thank you. And welcome back, Landon." Josie says.

"Didn't you vote me out?" He asked and I rolled my eye. "Technically we all did." I said and he scoffed. "Thanks, Amara." Jo says and I smiled at the her shyness. "Anytime , Jo." I said and I feel Hope pull me closer, making me feel the tension as Josie and Hope start a stare off. "Anyways..that's all in the past." Lizzie says gaining the attention, thank god. "Now, is everyone as excited as I am about tonight?" The blonde asked and I nodded. "What's happening tonight?" Landon asked.

"The school's annual talent show. All the factions compete. You know the witch performance wouldn't be the same without you too." Hope says. "Thank you." Josie says and the twins smiled. "If I could have your attention." Alaric say through the speakers. "Last night we were able to capture a monster here on the grounds. We have everything under control. But given this potential danger, it is with heavy heart that I must postpone the talent show." He said and i hear the students groan.

"Hopefully, we'll be able to reschedule this unique event..at a later date. A much much later date." He said and it cuts off. "Kind of overkill if you ask me." Hope said and I nodded. "We told your dad that unicorns barely counts as a monster." I said then turned to Hope feeding me a piece of bread as the twins went to talk to their dad. "That's your girlfriend right?" I hear Rafael whispering to Landon. "I'm..not so sure anymore." He whispered back and I smirked as Hope pinching my cheek.


The four of us started walking to class and Lizzie voice filled the room. "Good news, friends. The talent show is going on as previously scheduled." She said and I smiled. "God, I love that woman." I said and Hope nudges me. "But I love you more of course." I teased and she giggled. "We should do a talent." She said and before I could answer Landon cuts in. "Or we could." He said and she smiled. "Babe of course." She said and I gagged. I know that he's her boyfriend but clearly she liked me more.

"Since my partner has been stolen, how about we do a talent together." I say to Rafael and his eye widen. "Wait really?" He asked and i nodded. "Yeah. I always do the show with the vampires but maybe this year it'll actually be fun." I smiled and he looked at Landon and Hope and they both give him a thumbs up. "O-oh okay. Yeah, I'd like that." He said and I smiled and grabbed his hand. "Okay, now we need to find something to do." I said pulling him down the hall and telling him all my ideas. "Good luck, you two." Hope calls out from behind us as we leave.


Hope texted me to meet her in healing class because she wanted my help with something and of course I went. "Hey." I say as I entered her classroom. "Hey, thank you for coming." She said as I sat next to her. "Anything to avoid talking about this stupid talent show. I still can't come up with anything." I said and we both chuckled. "Once you have your gel mixed, make a shallow cut on your volunteer." Ms. Featherwood said and Hope turns around to face me. "Do you trust me?" She asked and I nodded. "You know I do." I said and she smiled.

She leaned in close and gently cut the top of my cheek bone and I couldn't stop staring. "Thought this would be something you'd want to do with Landon." I said. "If I mess up, you'll heal on your own. Plus, I missed you." She said making me blush slightly as she starts to add the gel. "So what are you gonna do?" She asked. "what?" I asked snapped myself out of my haze. "For that talent show." She said. "Oh, um, Rafael said he wants to try and juggle. I-I hate juggling." I stutter softly as she smiles. "Juggle?" She asked and I shrugged.

"That's what he said." I tell her and she shakes her head. "Come on, you should do something bold, spontaneous. Totally unexpected." She said as the cut heals. "And do what? Pull cat out of a hat?" I asked and she giggled. "It's a bunny." She corrected and I roll my eyes. "Huh, well done Hope." She said. "Thank you, Ms. Featherwood." Hope smiled at her teacher. I pulled out my pocket mirror to check my cheek and Hope smiled. "See? Now come on we have to figure out what the boys and us are good at together." She said standing up. "Fine but cross juggling off the list." I said and she laughed as we link arms and leave the room.

Tiktok: mywattpadworld11

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