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Maybe I Should Start From The Ending

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Maybe I Should Start From The Ending


"Come on Hope wake up." I said pulling the dart from her neck, I hear Landon screaming from the motel room and I had a good idea why. I begin shaking Hope till she woke up in my lap. "What happened?" She asked sitting up. "No time, I think there's a monster in our room." I said grabbing her arm and helping her off the ground. We ran back to the room and I heard Landon scream so I kicked the door down and Hope walked in. "Inctus." Hope shouts pushing the creature back and closing the door.

"Gross!" I cringed. "See? Danger magnet." Landon says. "What the hell was that?" Hope asked. "I'm guessing mer-man." Landon said and the monster bangs on the door. "A very pissed off Mer-man." I corrected. "Why are the monsters still coming for them? We don't even have what they want." Hope said. "I don't know, but we got to get Landon out of here." Alaric said and Landon goes to his bag and I have a strong feeling that what ever that thing wanted was sitting in that bag.

"Oh, no." He said. "Oh, no"is right."I panicked. "What?" Hope asked angrily. "You said a necromancer told you the knife was one of three keys right?" He asked. "The Necromancer. Like I said, it's a long story, but why does it matter?" Hope asked and he pulled out a vase. "Son of a bitch." Ric said and I groaned and ran my fingers through my hair.

"Just when I was staring to feel bad for you." I muttered to myself but I think he heard. "This is Seylah's. I picked it up but I didn't steal it. I-I...not on purpose, anyway. I don't know how it got in there just like how I don't know what happened with the knife. I swear I wouldn't do that again." Landon rambled. "Landon, Landon. It's okay. I believe you." Hope says and the monster bangs on the door again.

"Oh, we got to move." Ric said. "I second that." I said as Landon went to grab his bag. "No, no, wait. Leave it , leave it." Hope said. "What? Are you out of your mind?" He asked. "No. I just sick of playing the same game. So let the monster have it. He'll take it to Malivore. We follow him, we know where it is." Hope says. "I am not taking three teenagers to a covert Military hiding place for a demon portal." Alaric says but I groaned.

"You kind of have to." Hope shout. "Why?" He asked. "Because Seylah's going there." Hope said. "What?Did she tell you that?" Landon asked. "In her own way."I said and Hope pulled out the magic watch she gave Landon. "Hold that." Hope said handing me the top and dropping the watch in. "I'll explain in the car. Let's go." Hope said and we all rushed out. "H-He's a fish man on land. How fast can he be, right?" Ric asked and Mer-Man finally punched through the door. "Oh, my god!"I shout and grab Hope and sped us to the car.


"Turns out he's pretty fast." Hope said and I couldn't help but laugh. "Very fast." I said. "Listen, this was your idea. So is it within my bounds as the headmaster to tell you to shut it?" Ric snaps. "What if we don't get there in time?"Landon asked. "Seylah doesn't have that much of a lead on us." Hope says. "I can't believe she wants to erase herself just to get out of being a parent." Landon said and then I see something in front of us. "What the hell is that?" I asked and Dr.Saltzman steps on the breaks.

We all get out the car and i walked up to the gate to read the sign. "Triad." I read out loud and Hope steps next to me. "Explosives?" Landon reads. "On the bright side, maybe this fence stopped our fishy friend." Ric said and Hope takes a look at the gate and I follow her. "I don't think so." She said standing in front of the big hole the monster left in the gate. I shrugged and walked through and they followed me and we ran towards the building.

"There." I said seeing the monster. Landon started to walk ahead and Hope stops him. "Hey, stay back. He's dangerous." Hope said. "I have to get in there." Landon said before taking off. "Landon!" Hope shouts and runs after him making Ric run after Hope and I ran my fingers through my hair. "I'm really starting to hate this kid." I said before following the rest of the idiots and just as I was start to catch up a bomb went off pushing us all back. I felt my head hit the ground before I passed out.


I open my eyes and cringe at the light in my eyes, I look over and see Landon and Dr. Saltzman laying beside me. What the happened? I carefully get up and I see Hope looking over her shoulder at me. I looked around and I can't remember how we got here. Alaric and Landon start to wake as I stand up and walk next to Hope, looking at the big hole in the ground in front of us and it was clear something had blown up. "Where the hell are we?" Landon asked getting up off the ground along with Dr. Slatzman. "What the hell happened?" I asked. "I don't know. But I don't think we're in Kansas anymore." Alaric says.

Eventually we stop trying to guess what happened and headed back to the car and go back home, I have never been more happy to go back. "Thank you again for coming to help me." Landon said. "Sorry you didn't find your mother." Ric said and Landon nods. "What I don't understand is why I can't remember how we found you." Ric said and I look over at Hope and she was making her thinking face. "Hope? Any theories?" I asked and she sighed.

"Working progress." She said and I nodded and lean back. "Uh, I think the bus stop is actually that way." Landon said. "Oh, that's okay. We'll drive you." Ric said. "Where?" Landon asked. "Home." He said. "Why the change of heart?" Landon asked. "Call it a gut feeling. Or you could just add it to the list of thing I don't know." He said and I smiled.

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