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Death Keeps Knocking On My Door

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Death Keeps Knocking On My Door


We walked in with the Necromancer and I was sorta freaking out. "You have no reason to fear me, I assure you." He says. "You're basically the Grim Reaper." I say as I walk farther into the cell. "Oh, the Reaper is a carnival sideshow hack! No you.. you dirty your mouth mentioning his name in my presence. Perhaps I should summon Mama to wash it out with soap?" He said and I point at him. "You better leave my mama be. I can't take another diva in this room." I said and stood in front of him while Hope stood behind him.

"You know I'm only doing this because I can't say no to you and not because this isn't a horrible plan, right?" I asked and she smiled and nodded. "Yes, I know." She said and I sighed. "Hands on his shoulders. Now, you and I join hands." I say and put my hands in his. "Now I look into your eyes. Open your mind to me. Like, lifting a window to let the breeze in."I said and second later she was in.

It's was long before she opened her eyes and I let of a breath of relief. "I'm glad that's over. I'm shaking and my hands are sweaty." I say and Hope walks to my side. "Unbelievable. He ditched me." She said and I looked over her shoulder and see him staring blankly ahead. "Oh fuck." I said. "Send me back in." She said and walked back around. "I don't think that's a very good idea. Plus I'm not great at this." I said.

"You'll be fine. If he's going in search of answers, I need to be there when he finds them." She said. "Hope.." I say and she sighs. "I'll be fine, too." She said and I took at step in front of the Necromancer once again and looked up at Hope. "The first sign a trouble and I'm pulling you out and we're going back upstairs to tell Dr. Saltzman." I said and she nods. "I'm ready." She says and I grab his hands and looked into his eyes.

I hear Hope's heart beat speed up and her breathing picked up before I look up at her. "Hope." I said. I pull my hands away and walked over to her and she starts to cry. "Hope. Come on. Come on out, love." I say and she shout and now I'm freaking out. "Hope!" I shout but she wouldn't budge. I walked back around and grabs his hands once again.

"Okay head dive's over. Let her out. She's scared. Come on." I shout and he smiles and I feel my blood boil. "I said let her out, you puppet on strings." I shout and he laughs and he's eyes turn white. I pulled away and vamped upstairs to find Dr. Saltzman. I can't believe this is happening right now. "Dr. Saltzman." I shout when I see him walking out his office. "I screwed up. Hope's in trouble and I can't help her." I said. We both rushed back to the cells and when we get there Hope gasping and her eyes opened. I looked over at Dr. Saltzman and you could tell he was very upset. "Oops. Daddy's home." The Necromancer laughs


Alaric yelled at Hope resulting in her locking him in his office, so now for some insane reason we are back down the stairs talking to The Necromancer again, even though I fought strongly against it. "Back for more?" He asked. "Apparently." I mutter and Hope rolls her eyes. "Tell me where my father is." Hope said and I straightened up, is this why she wanted to talk to him so bad? "I will tell you everything you want to know, but wouldn't you like to hear about what I've just learned of Malivore first?" He asked and I stepped beside Hope closer to the cell.

"Go on." I say with my arms crossed. "After I left you, I returned to the scene of my death. I saw a shadow. I felt a searing pain. And when I looked down, there was a knife in my heart and emptiness all around me." He said. "A knife?" I asked. "The knife. Interestingly enough, that which I seek is that which did me in. You've got to understand, to be killed by such a trifle of an object- I was curious as to it's power, so I jumped out of my subconscious and summoned the spirit of the man who forged the knife in the first place." He said.

"You left me in there on purpose?" Hope asked and I grab her hand in comfort. "Oh, I had work to do and you had lessons to learn. From this man, I heard the remarkable story of Malivore, created to wipe the scourge of the supernatural off the face of this earth. Malivore consumed us, erased us. It was permanent death. And it was in Malivore that we were left to perish. Until recently, when the knife started beckoning to bring it home." He says. "But why a knife?" I asked.

"Decades ago, Malivore was contained. Three locks created seal Malivore shut. The knife is one of those locks. When all three locks return home, Malivore is free to open its Jaws of death once again." He says. "What does that even mean?" Hopes asks quietly. "Oh, my dears...let's just hope you're not still alive to find out." He said. "So let me get this straight. You left her inside your freaky twisted mindscape so you could what? Stall us?" I asked.

"My apologies for the melodrama but i needed to buy myself some time." He says. "To talk to some knife maker." Hope says. "That, and to retrieve the knife your friend Dorian had hidden behind the stacks in the library." He said and my eyes widen. "What?" I asked." "Because while you were trapped in just a small semblance of the backness I suffered, experiencing just an ounce of my agony, I was busy what I do best controlling the dead." He said. "I don't understand." Hope said.

"The answer, my darling, is yes. I was stalling you. Just as I'm stalling you now. Did you know that there's a lot of Bennett witches buried in the local cemetery that excel in the art of mystical transportation? I summoned a little help to ensure the knife returned to Malivore quickly and without incident." He laughs. "Oh my god." I said, my heart was racing. "Come on, look on the bright side. You can't get back to the daily grind of your young life. And in moments, when the knife returned to Malivore, I will be free to find peace. As for your father, he watches over you every day. He did die with love in his heart and he doesn't regret his choice." He said and I look over at Hope and she looked both horrified and revealed at what he said but I was just plain old horrified.

"But he won't find peace..until you do. Eh, good luck with that." He chuckles before the room begins to shake. "The kinfe Is destroyed. One lock is released. And with it, so am I." He said then freaking disappears in thin air. I begin to breath heavily "I knew we shouldn't have done it." I said my voice cracking in the process, Hope looks at me sadly before I walked out.

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