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Mombie Dearest

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Mombie Dearest


"You seriously can't get us out of here? You literally slay dragons."I said pacing back and forth. "Only Penelope can undo the spell. Or the twins could siphon the magic." She said and I walked towards her. "Well, that's unlikely, seeing as Lizzie probably thinks I'm standing her sister up right now which means Josie hates me right about now." I said. "Her ego could use a little bit of deflating." She said and I narrowed my eyes at her. "Don't be bitter it's causes wrinkles. I don't want to let them down." I said. "Relax. It's only been 12 hours." Hope said and I groaned.

I sat in the door way and played with the end of my skirt and rehearsed the apology speech I'm going to have to give Lizzie once we get out of this hell hole. "One more minute." Hope said sitting across from me and I nod. "Sorry I got mad earlier." She said and I looked up. "Why did you get mad?" I asked and she shrugged.
"Ever since I sent Landon away hearing about you and Josie made me a little moody." She said and I laughed slightly. "Of course it's a about bird boy and here I thought it was because you wanted me all to yourself." I smiled and she chuckles and nods. "Maybe a little." She said and I blushed a little before looking at the clock. "Times up, lonely girl." I said getting up and walking out, I need to get to Jo.


I have never gotten dress so fast in my life, I stumbled putting on my shoes while rushing out the door and outside. I was walking down the path when I hear Ric. "Where is she?" He asked and I followed his voice and see him with his Dead wife pinned against the wall. "Dr. Saltzman? What's going on?"I asked and Hope walks up beside me. "Amara, Hope I need your help." He says before he told us about how Jo was brought back from the dead and now has Kidnapped Josie and burred her alive somewhere in the cemetery.

"You gonna howl at the moon wearing that?" Penelope says and we walked passed her and MG. "Sorry, not time for bitchy banter." Hope shot back and I smile. "Actually we could use your help finding Josie." I said and Hope nods. "What happened?" Pen asked. "Apparently, her possessed biological mother buried her alive in the cemetery." Hope said. "And maybe if I wasn't trapped in a room instead of with Josie this would not be happening." I said throwing in my two cent. "We're coming with you." Penelope said after rolling her eyes.


"Amara, MG, listen for her breathing." Hope said. "I hear something. Shovel." Mg said and we stopped and Mg begins to shovel. While MG was digging a hand popped out of the ground and what came out of that grave was not Josie. "Oh shit." I screamed before taking the shovel and shoving it in its head. "To kill a walker, you got to go for the brain. Everyone knows that." MG said and I smiled as we fist bumped. "Yeah, every nerd maybe. Just call it a zombie."pen said and I rolled my eyes before I hear growling behind us. "Zombies. Plural." Hope said as people kept coming up out of the ground.

Zombies start running up and if I knew this is how I would be spending my night I would have chosen more comfortable shoes. "Whoo!" MG cheers and a zombie came in our direction and MG chops off his head. "Two for two, baby." He said. "Penelope and I can handle the rest. Just find Josie." Hope said and I leave without a second thought.

"Okay, got it." I hear MG say before following me and I stopped when I hear rattling below me. "Jo. I hear you. Hold on." I say and me and MG start digging, when I hit coffin I dropped the shovel and ripped off the door but what came up was another zombie. "Oh not again." I shout as it tried to eat my foot but Hope came and shoved her shovel in its head. "Amara, we're running out of time." She said and I stand up. "You don't think I know that!" I shout back.

"Watch out." MG said pointing behind Hope. "Penelope, axe." I said and she tossed it to me and I swung the axe, cutting its head off. "Damn it, Mg, get up and help me find her." I shout. "There's too much noise." He said. "Well, listen harder. Pretend you're on a beach or something." Hope shouts and I closed my eyes and listen around. "Dad." I hear a faint cry and I smiled. "I got her." I said and MG nodded before we vamped to Josie.

I feel down to my knees and started digging and MG and the others helped kneeling beside me. Josie's hand comes out the ground and I immediately grab her hand and start pulling her up. "Oh thank god." I said. "The talisman. It worked." Hope said. "What's it supposed to do?" Josie asked. "Make quiet things heard." Hope said and I smiled at her before hugging Jo.


I was walking to the twins room to check on Josie and stopped once I see her and Penelope. I turn back around the corner to take a listen. "You're right. This world needs the selfless and the selfish to keep spinning. I happen to be the ladder." Penelope said and I hear their lips touched and I stepped from the wall and see them kissing. They're relationship has never bothered me this much before, this wasn't the first time I've seen them kiss but it is the first time it hurt to see. I know Me and Josie are just friends and my crush on Hope hasn't gone away but seeing them was still very hard to watch.

I quietly walk backwards and find my self walking to the library where I find Hope. "Hey." I say and she looks up. "Hey." She said. "Rough night, huh?" I smile and she chuckles. "Um...no. All evidence to the contrary. I actually had a lot of fun. What about you?" She asked. "I couldn't have fun today, I was too worried about disappointing the twins and then Josie was buried alive, so I've had...a day." I sighed. "Well, I now have my own avengers squad." She said and we both laughed.

I  held my hand out for Hope. "I didn't get to dance at the party. Wanna see if I still got it?" I asked and she smiled at my hands before taking it. "Why not?" She said and I smiled as we walked to the middle of the room. She put one hand on my shoulder and the other in my hand and I wrapped my arm around her waist, I didn't know how perfectly she fit in my arms it's a nice feeling. "You look like you took a bath in dirt." I say and she smiles. "You the one to talk." She laughs and we continue to talk about our night.

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