4. shot clock

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February 19, 2021– Queens

twenty four seconds, yeah, you better not stop you got twenty four seconds, can you beat the shot clock what, you're waitin' or look, daddy, I ain't got that much time

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twenty four seconds, yeah, you better not stop you got twenty four seconds, can you beat the shot clock what, you're waitin' or look, daddy, I ain't got that much time.


"i got the prettiest mom ever" hassan complimented me as i drove him to his first basketball game. the car consisted of him, myself, tori, moriah and ari.

He sat in the middle with Tori and Moriah on each side of him. His comment actually made me smile and blush a little bit.

"like for real the rest of these mommas be old as dirt with dry skin" he added and we all started to laugh.

"thank you my baby" i said in between laughs.

"is my nana coming?" he asked curiously.

"and your grandpa" moriah told him. looking through my rearview i could see him smiling hard as hell.

once arriving to the actual basketball game i couldn't help but to get a video of my baby. he was so handsome and very much growing right before my eyes.

"aww look at mommy's baby" i curled my bottom lip. i was kneeling beside him so we could be at the same eye level with the camera flipped facing us.

"mommm" he grew embarrassed and held his hands over his face "not even a baby no more"

"you can be mommy's baby for 30 seconds" i grabbed his wrist and moved his hands before i started to proceed and press record. he took a deep breath and looked everywhere but the camera.

"my little baby is growing up so fast" i placed a kiss on his cheek and he sighed a bit "his first basketball game of the season and my baby gone kill i-"

"ok ok 30 seconds up and people starting to look" he blocked his face from the camera. i stopped recording and looked around the parking lot, nobody was watching nor did they care.

Hassan has always thought he was too cool for any type of public affection but let us be at home he loved when i babied him.

We headed inside and of course he went his separate ways and my sister, and myself found us a seat next to my mom who got here before us. My dad was nowhere to be found but i knew that he was only feeding hassan lies.

He never shows up to much. He's a secretive man.

"did you guys forget it was a basketball game?" my mother questioned us causing all of us to look at each other in confusion "a kids basketball game" she continued

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