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Under a cloudy sky, the crown of a coconut tree shimmers, and the leaves pulsate heavily with the gust. SHASTRI, (56) large grey beard and balding forehead. He skillfully climbs the tree and plucks coconuts with his bare hands. He throws them down to a partner who piles them up.

Just then enters BHUPALI (42) a short plump man with a goofy mustache and a bag around his shoulders. He pauses below the tree and shouts gawking up "Shastree ji how are you?"

Shastri squints and asks "who is it?"

Bhupali yells back in an annoyingly nasally voice "It's me Bhupali the messenger." Bhupali presents his best phony grin.

Shastri responds "leave the letters down there"

Bhupali says "There are none, I was just checking on you. It was a long ride for me till Pandya Rajya (Kingdom) and..."

As he keeps yapping Shastri rolls his eyes hanging on to the top of the tree. Bhupali concludes his small talk with "I would appreciate a complimentary nariyal paani (coconut water)."

Shastri gazes at Bhupali for a moment then crudely yells "No!!!"

Bhupali lowers his head disappointed and walks away. Shastri returns to his task, he spots a massive coconut, bright green, bulgy and not a single scratch. It's kind of far but Shastri wants that beautiful coconut. He stretches and pulls firmly with his fingers. The stem cracks a little but the stubborn nariyal (coconut) just won't come out.

Eventually Shastri gives up and climbs down.

The stubborn nariyal swaying with the wind, unready to leave its place on the tree.


10 years ago

Beyond the eastern sea, a tiny island blossoms free from the Razok rule.

The pink buds of ironwood trees flourish the vibrant nation, and the scent of cinnamon prominent in the atmosphere. The vegetation circles an ancient rock that at its peak holds the beautiful blue and gold Sinhala palace.

Princess PADMA's (6) skin is as white as milk with a rosy tint on her doll like cheeks and adorability shines in her big blue eyes.

King BRADHRA ambivalently scratches his podgy belly while his voluptuous wife KAUMI impatiently waits to hear about their daughter's future.

Pundit (saint) GRISHA takes his time reading Padma's tiny delicate palms as he surmises the prediction.

Grisha gasps in surprise as he explains with a beam on his face "Your daughter princess Padma is very special." The King and queen exhale a breath of relief as the pundit continues "She is the incarnation of lord Lakshmi and one day Padma will marry Kalki and rule the nation along with him."

Believing all of it, a wide smile emerges on the king and queens faces. Little Padma asks "Kalki? Who is that?"

Grisha elaborates "The incarnation of God Vishnu himself. At the end of the Kaliyug when most people will become sinners, God will be born as Kalki. He will appear on a white horse and with a blue turban on his head. He shall rise from the dark smoke, glowing brighter than lightning and will wipe out all evil from the world. He will be our almighty savior and husband to Princess Padmavati."

Bradhra excitedly announces "This is great news!!! Kaumi we should celebrate."

Kaumi replies "Calm down Bradhra, our daughter is only 6, it is going to be a long time before she gets married."

End of Kaliyug - Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now