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A calming moon lights the mist that spreads a chill to the stony Razok bastion. Theraucous of chattering fighters is interrupted by their ruler.

Emperor Krodhan stands before a table blemished with food and drinks and announces to the ravaging soldiers and warriors "Lets us have a moment of silence for the ones we lost." He raises his goblet

They attentively listen to their leaders glorious speech. Somewhere at the back, amongst the women and children, sits Kalina, lost in thought. The voices in her head disturb her conduct.

You could have saved her

It should have been you who died

It happened for a reason

Just pick up the knife and end it.

Blankly Kalina gazes at the sharp knife next to her plate, as her fingers slowly creep towards it.

Just then Krodhan's sudden volume burst breaks her gloom "Life is short, who knows what tomorrow holds, but for now we have won the war so let us rejoice" he lifts a glass "to our loved ones

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Just then Krodhan's sudden volume burst breaks her gloom "Life is short, who knows what tomorrow holds, but for now we have won the war so let us rejoice" he lifts a glass "to our loved ones."

The live band kicks in with a joyful beat and the crowd returns to their disorderly chattering.

The gleeful environment is unbearable so Kalina abruptly leaves the event.

We see the knife missing from the table.


Streams of sweltering oils smears the space while the tiny flames softly illuminate the cleaned out chamber. The toys, the beautiful garments, the silk on the bed and every other comforting item, all gone from her surroundings. The materialistic luxuries no longer bring her joy.

Young dasi (servant) NILEMA (9) enters the room with a tray of food.

Kalina quickly hides the knife but not fast enough for to Nilema spot it.

Nilema "I saw that your majesty." Kalina remains silent while Nilema places the tray.

Out of place, naïve Nilema requests "I know that I won't be able to stop you but please kill me before you kill yourself"

Kalina gazes at her astonished, as Nilema pours out her true feeling "You are the only one in the world that treats me like a person more than a dasi. Without you my life is as good as over."

The princess is humbled by her gesture.

Kalina is touched emotionally but still doesn't speak. Nilema continues "When people die it must be like sleeping but the ones in pain are the ones awake. Don't leave me awake to suffer."

End of Kaliyug - Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now