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    I didn't think it would be this awkward.

    The two of us lay side-by-side, stiff as hell. We didn't dare look at each other or start any conversation. We were both wide-eyed, staring up at the ceiling.

    "...Can't sleep?" I inquired quietly.

    "No. You?"

    "Not really." Another silence. I looked over at Grimm, who was snoring away peacefully. "Damn, wish I was a cat."

    "Why?" Ace asked, glancing at me.

    "No reason. Well... I guess they have less responsibilities and stuff. But at the same time, it's not like they're entirely stress-free. Life is always hard, no matter if you're human or not."

    "Wow. You might actually make me fall asleep if you keep going," Ace mocked. I scoffed at him playfully.

    "If you had to choose an animal, what would you be?" I asked, this time turning my head to face the ginger. I noticed he was already staring at me.

    He blushed and averted his gaze back to the ceiling.

    "An animal...? Hm. It may be basic, but... a bird."

    "Pft, wow that is basic," I snickered and slightly nudged him.

    "Psh! Whatever!" He pouted.

    "Is it hard sleeping with that collar on?" I asked.

    "It's a little annoying... but manageable," he answered.

    "Hm... Is it just me, or is it really cold?" I shivered. 

    "Yeah, did you turn the heater on?"

    "Doesn't work," I sighed and sniffled. 


    "Wanna stay here now?"

    "Better than Heartslabyul. It's nice and quiet here. No one yelling at me for eating a tart."

    "No one making a tart here either, though."

    "True... speaking of... did you... eat anything?" He asked, looking over at me, his eyes half-lidded. It was then my turn to look away.

    "Uhm... not really. I think I skipped lunch and dinner. Had half a cookie, though," I responded, placing a hand on my stomach. I then heard some shuffling. I looked over, and the next thing I knew, a warmth embraced me. 

    "We should get those heaters fixed," he whispered. I could feel his hot breath against my neck. 

    "Nn..." I responded, my breath slightly hitched. 



    "You're burning up," he finally said, after somewhat relishing in the moment. 

    "But I'm cold."

    "That's how fevers work, dummy."

    "Then you should stay away from me. You'll get sick, too."

    "Just... a little longer," he sighed, making my cheeks warm up even more than they already were.

    "Are you alright, Ace?" I asked after a few minutes. There was no response, only soft snoring. Ah, he fell asleep. 

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