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    "Okay, what the actual HELL does that mean?" Ace was about ready to square up with the talking magic mirror. He then looked back and glared at Yuu.

    "Listen man, I didn't purposely do any of this," the poor brunette sighed.

    "I'm not sure why," the Dark Mirror cut their conversation short as it explained itself, "but it seems Yuuken Enma was to be in (L/N) (Y/N)'s place since the beginning."

    "So... are you saying that the person I found in the coffin... was initially meant to be this young man?" Headmaster Crowley eyed Yuu, who sweatdropped in response. "Non! He simply does not compare to my daugh- I mean! Student!"

    'Was he about to say daughter?!' Yuu whispered in his mind, appalled at the fact that this school was run by this... man. He was mildly offended.

    "Yes," the mirror replied in the affirmative. "(L/N) (Y/N) is an obstacle in the original timeline that was first meant to be. Now that Enma Yuuken was brought to this world, the timeline is fixing itself, by slowly getting rid of the obstacle. And there is a possibility that..."

    "...that, once (Y/N) is gone, the timeline might start over... and we'll forget everything," the Headmaster finished the mirror's sentence.

    "Can't we stop that from happening?!" Ace yelled.

    "How can we just sit by and not do anything?" Deuce cried as well,"I don't want to forget (Y/N)!"

    Yuu felt horrible. As nonchalant as he seemed, he couldn't help but feel as if he was the obstacle in their path. In (Y/N)'s path. Has he somehow ruined everything? I mean, it's not like he purposely wanted to show up here in the first place! It's not his fault. Even so, he still couldn't help but feel like he was in the way.

    Before he could say anything, the door burst open. Everyone looked back and saw a figure standing in the doorway, nearly panting as if they'd ran all the way here.


    I've finally found-! Wait, crap, no, this is the freaking nurse's office! How the hell am I still getting lost in this damned school?! Well, I hadn't checked this area either. Who knows? Maybe one of them tripped and ended up here. 

    I chuckled to myself at the thought of Dr. Ishii running around, trying to patch up a bunch of dudes who randomly started tripping and getting hurt. Hm- speaking of... where is Dr. Ishii? 

    I opened the door and looked around, not seeing anyone. That's odd. He's usually here. I shook my head and sighed. From my knowledge, I believe the place where the Dark Mirror is... is all the way on the other side of the school. 

    I groaned, placing my head in my hands. I'm already feeling tired, and now...! Ughhhh, it's fiiiineeee. 

    Time to drag myself all the way over there. Not sure why I'm in such a hurry. It's not like anything eventful's gonna happen anyway!


    "Huh..." Crowley mumbled, staring at the figure in the doorway. "Wh... WHO ARE YOU?!"

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