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    The next day, I woke up with...! A headache. Wonderful.

    I groaned as I sat up, holding a hand against my throbbing head. Next to me was a soft snoring bastar- I- I mean... Yuu. It was Yuu. Dr. Ishii told me to get a good night's sleep but... I couldn't. It just didn't happen...

    Last night...

    "Hey, what the hell was that for?!" Yuu mumbled with a soft grin while he pried the pillow off his face. I simply pouted, turning away from the brunette. I hadn't even realized his shadow creeping up on me with raised arms and a pillow- that very same pillow- held in his hands menacingly. That's when he brought the pillow down with as much force as he could and smacked me in the side.

    "Ack-!" I let out a cry before he hit me again and again while cackling. "ST-" Smack. "-OP!" Smack. "O." Smack. "M." Smack. "G!" Then I grabbed my own pillow, slid it over and smacked him in the side before he could get me again.

    "Ah-!" This time he was the one to cry as he fell off the bed.

    "PFF-BWHAHAHAHA!" I laughed.

    And that's how the night went... we'd fallen asleep at some point, but...

    "SH*T!" I yelled, starling the boy awake (as well as Grimm, who'd come up at one point to see our commotion last night).

    "What- what?" Yuu asked, rubbing his eyes. "Is it another bug?!"

    "NO- we're late!" I cried, rushing around, grabbing my uniform and stripping on the spot. Yuu turned red as he looked away with his hands covering his sight.


    "WE'RE LAAATEE," I sobbed, tugging up the pants and fiddling with the belt buckle.

    "Tch!" He tsked, laying back down and turning away "why'd you have to wake ME up?! I don't even go..." Ignoring him, I grabbed a sleeping Grimm, tidied my (hair/hijab/other) and dashed out of the room, nearly tumbling down the stairs in the process.

    "Nyaah! WHAT'S HAPPENING?!" Grimm cried, swaying in the wind as I held him by one paw.

    "WE'RE LAAATEE!" I exclaimed for the umpteenth time as I rushed out the broken-lock door, not even bothering to close it (although, maybe that was a bad idea?). I felt like those cliché anime girls that run with a toast in their mouth. UGH I DIDN'T EVEN HAVE BREAKFAST!

    Grimm was no longer protesting (which was impossible), so when I looked back (while speeding at 80 MPH), I noticed he had a TUNA CAN IN HIS PAW AND HE WAS EATING IT.

    "I thought you'd wiped them all clean!" I yelled, although it was hard to even hear myself with the wind whipping at my face.

    "Had one left," he sighed in contentment as he licked his lips after snarfing it all down.

    "Dammit, didn't even share..." I sulked before reaching the front of the main building at last. "Phew! I think we'll make it on tim-!" The bell chimed. "Ah." I cursed under my breath. Professor Crewel will surely make us drink a Punishment Potion.

    "What's the worst that could happen?" Grimm stated, climbing up my arm to sit on my shoulder instead.

    "A lot of things," I responded as we neared the door to the classroom. I peeked inside to see the Professor turned to the cauldron he was demonstrating a new potion in. This is our chance! I pushed the slightly ajar door so I could fit myself in. Thankfully it didn't creak.

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