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    "WHAT?" The three exclaimed all at once. 

     "She- you're kidding right?" Ace asked something, making me cock my head to the side and shrugging hopelessly. 

    "This is just like day 1," Grimm sighed. 

    "You should've asked Headmaster Crowley- I mean- she doesn't understand me, does she?" Deuce mumbled into his fist. Ace then grabbed me by my shoulders and looked me dead in the eye. 

    "You. Go. Tell. Crowley. Understand?" Ace spoke in English before switching back to Japanese. I smiled at his accent and saluted him. 

    "Understood! You guys can head back to the dorm and rest alright? You have a big day tomorrow!" I said, patting each of their heads. Before any of them responded, I'd already speed walked away. 

    I walked through the dimly lit hallways- very few people were here, whether they were running errands or doing other things. I passed by the art room on my way to Crowley's office. I peeked inside to see if Idia was there.

    I frowned once I found the room empty. I sighed, and just as I was about to turn, I bumped into something- or rather- someone.

    "R- Rid-! I mean! Dorm Leader-? Rosehearts! What brings you here at this fine hour?" I asked nervously- not sure if I should call him 'Dorm Leader' since he's not my dorm's leader. 

    "That is none of your concern. What exactly are you doing, snooping around, hm?" I sweated a bit as I eyed the boy, not knowing what the hell he just asked me. 

    "Uhm... sure! I'll gladly uh... dance... with you...?" The boy furrowed his brows,

    "That is not what I just said."

    "Sorry, buddy- I mean- sir, I can't really understand what you're saying right now..." I fidgeted with the hem of my uniform blazer. Riddle didn't say anything and continued to stare at me with a look I couldn't quite make out. 

    "Very well," he huffed and placed his hands on his hips before turning to the side, ready to go in the cafeteria's direction, "I need herbal packets for tea. We have run out. I believe you are looking for Headmaster Crowley? He is currently not in his office." I blinked at Riddle speaking English effortlessly. Of course he would know English dummy! He's uber smart of course... can't he just use his magic to help me-?

    "Th- then do you know where he is?" I asked, stopping him before he could walk off. He turned and gave me a stern look. Nevermind. I'm too afraid to ask him for any favors.

    "No. It is getting late, so you should go back to your dorm. I must retrieve the tea. Farewell, (L/N)," and with that, he walked towards the cafeteria. I slumped my shoulders in disappointment. 

    Crowley's not in his office??? Then where the hell could he be?? I need to understand Japanese to survive here! 

    I sighed and kicked at the ground, hopelessly pouting. I'm not sure why I lingered for a while, as if I was waiting for some miracle to happen. I shook my head after a few minutes, suddenly wondering if Riddle "retrieved his herbal tea" yet. I softly snickered at the thought of the boy reaching up at the highest shelf for tea. 

    What if that was happening to him?? I should totally go help! 

    I swiftly turned on my heels and ran towards the cafeteria. 

    "Riddle-kun? Riddle-kun, Riddle-kun, Riddle-kun~" I sang with my best Japanese accent as I searched through the cafeteria for the red-haired boy. "Riddle-kuunnnn~" I was about to finish my song when I heard someone struggling from inside the storage room, AKA the pantry, where they had all their ingredients for the food. 

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