Chapter 7 [The Names, Omari]

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2 Corinthians 6:14

Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. For what partnership has righteousness with lawlessness? Or what fellowship has light with darkness?

Word Count: 2587

Last night i had the worst dream about this girl working at a strip club w needed help to escape, i dont know why but the name bella keeps popping into my head....

I rise from my bed with fatigue painting my whole body. Im so tired right now, last nights dream took it all out of me. I have been praying and asking God to reveal what it means...

all i remember is the name bella and some club that was across the street from me. I am so curious as to what is going on in that club, I try to shake these thoughts out of my head and it helps when i hear a loud honking horn outside of my room. Its beep sounds like its getting louder and louder.

"What is it now?!" I run outside in my barbie themed hot pink pajama's and my bonnet. I roll my eyes when i see a familiar black range rover parked outside my car. I look at the window and see Nia waving at me to come outside.

I am so tempted to slam my door closed until she beeps her horn even more.

"Okay okay!" I run back inside and put on my slippers before i run back outside at the car window that she rolled down for me.

"So? How is the boss woman after your whole freaky friday nightmare?" She asks bouncing both of her eyebrows up and down.. i called her immediately after the nightmare because i was so shocked and needed someone to make sense of it.

"Yeah.. about that, sorry for disturbing you yesterday, i went a few nights without sleep and you know what that can lead to?"

"Im good, i woke up this morning feeling even more motivated to get you back on the dating train than i was yesterday!" She exclaims while signalling for me to move out of the way while she parked in the drive way.

"Nia i was serious when i said i wasnt trying to date anymore"

"So let me get this straight.." She said while she turned off the car and opened the door to get out. ".. you have officially made up your mind that you are going to let this ex of yours stop you from ever having a future relationship?"


"Nia nothing. look, i mean this in the most respectful way but you have to get over yourself! You always talk about how you want a family and some kids one day but how do you intend to do that if you are so hung up on your ex that you cant even move on?" She asks while leaning against her closed car door.

"I guess your right" I admit " i knew the day that i would start dating again would come but i just didnt think it would be this soon.. i guess im just scared."

"its always scary starting new.. wasnt it scary when you first moved from NYC down to atlanta? You didnt know anybody, you had no friends or family here, you only had the company to rely on but now look at you! It may have took a while to adjust to it but you are standing tall and victorious." My head drooped down to the floor and i nodded in agreement.

"I cant even think about this right now... i need to get to work."

"Thats right, youve got a meeting in 2 hours so get back in there and change our of those barbie pj's and into your work fit. Just because im a nice person, i will even drive you to work myself.."

She says proudly while shaking my shoulders and pushing me in the direction of my house. Me and nia havent always been the closest but i can already tell she is going to be my new best friend. Which im fearing she isnt because with me, whenever i connect with someone, they are never around for long.

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