Chapter 10 [ Date from Hell ]

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Jude 1:22
Have mercy in those who doubt

Word Count: 2354

I am in my apartment on my knees in my robe, searching through a large pile of clothes for this date. I dont know what the heck to wear.. i dont even know why im panicking about this right now. I suppose with me getting older i just need someone there and with me being the ceo of my company and all, it would be nice to come home to someone waiting for me. It gets really lonely out here..

I pick up a random shirt and my heart shatters when i recognise it. Its the one i wore on my birthday, when only maleek showed up. When maleek gave me the study bible that i still use today and that butterfly bracelet that i smashed to pieces.. i still have a scar in my elbow from when i rested them on the crushed pieces yet the only thing that was crushed was my heart. I am so stupid because instead of throwing the shirt away, burning it, donating it even..

I pull it close to my body for a hug, I may be crazy but i can still smell the faint scent of his cologne from that night, its like he is here... I allow myself to be in this moment again for a second just a second... okay maybe a bit longer, i hold it tight to my chest and it reminds me of when he was twirling me around on the dance floor and holding me close to him. When i felt a wave of protection and comfort from him... I take a deep breath in and continue to reminisce


He grabs my hand and he practically drags me down to the dance floor. Oh gosh, i cant do this. I'm a horrible dancer why did i even get this dance floor?

He twirls me around and then pulls me back in as we dance slowly to the music playing, this moment is so beautiful.. i want to cherish it forever.

Then he gets quiet as he holds me tighter, i look up to his face and his eyes were closed his breaths got slower as we swayed to the beat, i want to jump into his thoughts and know what he is thinking right now.

"What are you thinking of?" I asked him with my face pressed to his chest. He took a long breath out and i felt his chest raise and then eventually fall.

"Im just praying for you." My heart swelled and a smile fell on my face

*End flashback*

A silly smile overtakes my face and i scold myself when i notice myself blushing.

"Damnit maleek, i thought i was over you." I say while looking down at the shirt. I took one last hold of it before throwing it to the side and getting back to things.

I have a date, and its not with maleek, that ship has sailed remember? As i continue to dive through the pile of clothes on my hardwood glossy floors that are being dressed by the glow of the bright blazing sun coming through my large square glass window, i pull out the perfect outfit for this non date-date. I pick myself up from the floor and walk in front of my tall Diamond bedazzled mirror and put the clothes in front of my body to see what it would look like. I nod at myself and rush to the bathroom to get dressed.


I hop out of my black range rover and park in front of my cafe, When omari talked about where he wanted to take me for this date i thought it only made sense for me to pick a place that i was familiar with, that had my people around me and that was safe for me to be in. I opened this cafe a while ago to distract myself from my reality.

The thing about success is when you have it you get addicted, i wanted to create as much as i could, at the end of the day i dont want to be known as the girl who took over her fathers company, i want something that i can call my own.

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