Chapter 13 [ Fight Club ]

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Tw: Sexual Temptation
Romans 12:19
Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, "vengeance is mine, I will repeat, says the lord."

Word Count: 3494

3 Hours Earlier
"Yeah Joel, i just got here now nice and safe thanks be to God." I say while putting the phone on speaker and dropping it down on the table in front of me. I just got to the hotel an hour ago and im tired as hell. I spent the whole plain ride and taxi ride second guessing myself, wondering if i should even go to the event, what if aaliyah isnt ready to see me yet? what if she is ready to see me? I shake all thoughts out of my head and go back to ironing my suit.

"Just remember not to be too pushy and desperate, i know how you can get when you like a girl..." Joel says..

"Shut up man. By the way how is the honeymoon going?" I ask now ironing my trousers.

"Oh yeah... about that.."

"What is it?"

"We kind of.. didnt go." He mutters.

"WHAT?!" He is so lucky right now, if i had my girl i wouldnt even stay behind to dance and eat after the wedding, i would go straight to the honeymoon.

"Its work man, i know its stupid but i just got promoted and i have this major Angioplasty and-"

"And nothing, Joel. Surgeries will always be there, honeymoons wont. Get that trip, cancel that job and get on that plane now." I demand and i am met by his annoyed sigh. "How is wifey taking this whole thing anyways?"

"She has been better. she really wanted to go on this trip but i really need to keep this job. If we want to have a family one day, a house, a good car.. this is what i need to do for it."

"Marriage is all about sacrifices, what are you willing to give up for your wife? Remember christ said we should love our wives like he did the church? we should love them like we love ourselves?"

"Okay pastor Davis i get the damn point." He scorns playfully.

"Im serious man. The biggest mistake is not paying attention to how good you had things with your woman, then she leaves and your only left with regret.." I cant help but picture Aaliyah, i really did have it good with her. She was one of the only Christian women around me and i lost her.

"This brother think he is William Shakespeare or something?" I laugh and shake my head before walking up to the mirror and checking if i look alright, i have on a white sleeveless tank top with a silver chain, a silver new era kids Baseball cap and a pair of loose grey sweatpants. Ive been spending more and more time in the gym taking out all my anger and regret on the battered punching bags and the machines, and its becoming more and more evident because i have been getter bigger by the day.

Which is not always a good thing when your a man of God because people dont consider it modest, then again every loose shirt i wear ends up still showing my muscles so what can i do at this point?

"By the way where is Big A gone? you didnt bring him with you did you?" Joel asks. I wanted to bring ace with me. We have been getting closer and he is starting to communicate with me more but his attendance was so bad in school that i told him he couldnt come, which only caused us to take 10 steps backwards.

"Nah man, i had to drop him off at pastor troy's crib for these few days, hopefully he will learn about skipping school now."

"Rah... your a bully, man. Leave that kid alone." He chuckles on the other end.

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