Chapter 44 [Walk in the ways of your heart..]

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Ecclesiastes 11:9

Rejoice, O young man, in your youth, and let your heart cheer you in the days of your youth. Walk in the ways of your heart and the sight of your eyes. But know that for all these things God will bring you into judgment.

Word Count: 5847

My eyes bat open to the strong of smell bacon, eggs and toast from the kitchen, my vision is blurry as i look at the tall wooden ceilings being lit by the insanely bright Maldives sun.

I yawn widely as i rub my tired eyes. All I remember from last night is falling asleep at maleeks side.. how i wish it always was. Speaking of my man where is he?

I sit myself up on what i assume to be the couch only to see an even better view of maleek. In some baggy dark grey long shorts wearing a golden chain and a backwards black new era cap. The only thing missing is his shirt as his dark brown skin shines in the light...

temptation this early in the morning?

The sound of him humming the gospel song Jireh as he flipped over the egg on the frying pan made an undeniable smile fall on my face. His large back muscles shift up and down as he squeezes and presses some fruits into 2 glasses. The sweat from his body is undeniable especially in this mad heat...

I looked down at where i was as a yawn left my mouth, im still wearing the same corny winnie the pooh pyjamas i was wearing the last night. I scratched my head before standing up..

"And i will be content in every circumstance you are Jirah, you are enough.." Maleek continues to sing lowly as i walk closer towards him tip toeing over to his body that is faced against me.

His back is in my view as he takes the egg off of the pan and puts it onto a slice of toast.

"Good Morning Mr Davis." I whisper as I finally get to him and hug him tight from his back. He flinched a little before turning his head back towards me and looking down at me. A smile fell on his face when he saw me, i love when that happens.

"בוקר טוב נסיכה..."
(Good Morning, princess.) He utters as his head turns back towards me, he puts the spatula down before turning off the stove. I closed my eyes and took in the smell of the breakfast.

"Mmmmm, so what are you making for me today my dear chef?" I tease still pressing my front against his warm back being scolded by the sun. His back vibrated as he chuckled deeply,

"Nothing special, ma. Just some eggs, toast with butter bacon and-"

"And?!" I exclaimed making him burst into laughter.

"Whats the special occasion? Do you like the way i slept or something? Is this my reward?" I teased playfully before maleek turned

"Lets just say we are going to need all the energy we can get for today." He said while bouncing his corny eyebrows up and down as i giggled at his nonsense.

"Should i be scared?"


I walked around him and sat on the counter beside the stove as i watched him work the bacon in the pan. His head is dipped down as he continues to hum the gospel tone. My eyes never left his beautiful face as my fingers played with themselves.

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