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Hi everyone,

I want to just say something important to all of you guys that follow me or read my books.

After receiving a comment about someone saying they see a lack of christ in my books and that I mislead baby christians and about the cursing in my books i want to clarify a few things :)

In every one of my books i put a disclaimer at the start that warns everyone that my books will not be the typical Christian romance and that they will instead highlight the journey a christian has from being in the world to being in Christ. This means it shows the reality of a christian that struggles with all types of sin to show them that they aren't alone and also that they have hope through Jesus Christ. Please read my books in full context!

What im getting is some people reading the first few chapters and saying i condone cursing or bad things fir christians without reading the rest and realising my books are about journeys.

Firstly, i want to clarify that i do not and i repeat do not condone or imply that it is okay for christians to curse, in fact i say the opposite in my books and in some of them you can tell that the characters feel guilty about cursing afterwards, this is how I highlight what conviction is in my books for any new Christians. For them to know what conviction is, they must know what they are being convicted from which is why i show cursing in my books.

Secondly, i do not condone Fornication or sex outside of my marriage for christians in my books. In the case there ever is sex outside of marriage in my books, it's from a character who is not in christ yet, this highlights the development that is soon to come for them.

Thirdly i do not condone or encourage any type of getting drunk or high or any drug use or even alcohol abuse or abuse of any kind in my books. Instead I highlight the fact these are serious issues that Christians go through and try to give them the hope of Jesus Christ through my characters.

Each one of these broken characters that deal with these sins are not intended to make anyone think it is okay to do this sin, but to show the damage that can happen when you indulge in this sin, to turn them off of it and to show them that through Christ they are not only saved and delivered but they are free from that sin!

My books are completely signed with the stamp of approval from the Holy Spirit guys so that means there are some times that i write things that go too far behind the scenes and God tells me to take it out and i do, there was a time in amazing grace i had to remove a whole chapter and rewrite the story around it just because God convicted me to take it out. I say this to remind everyone that what i write is guided by the Lord.

The theme of all my books is that the one who was lost is found through christ and that even though they struggle with sin They are still loved by God and God still wants them even with all of their broken pieces.

I want to repeat and clarify i DO NOT encourage or condone any type of abuse, violence, assault, Drug or alcohol use, cursing or fornication of ANY KIND nor do I encourage christians to do this. In the event that any of this is talked about in my books they are mentioned only ever in a negative light and never are encouraged or softened.

If you feel convicted please inform me but do not insult my writing or my character or try and tell me that my writing lacks Christ or that i am leading people astray if you do not read all my books in full context to know the message :)

So with all of this being said please be lets all just be careful how we speak to people i know i may just be the author behind the screen to some of you guys but i do have feelings and they do still get hurt :( so please let's all be considerate and respectful of one another and brothers and sisters in christ.

If you have anything more to mention about this please feel free to send me a private message that we can continue this conversation so I don't have to spam the comments of the books with debates and ruin the experience for anyone else lol.

I do apologise if i have misrepresented someone's experience at any point,

Thanks to everyone who has supported and been sending beautiful messages about my books to me and even those who have respectfully guided me to with the love of the holy spirit to delete something or to rethink something.

Please read all disclaimers before reading my books and seeing if they are for you or not, Thank you:)

Now let's continue on, please enjoy my books :)

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