Chapter 39 [ Declan troy ]

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Colossians 3:1

"If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God."


Word Count: 5463

When will it end? thats all i need to know, when will God finally have mercy on me and give me rest, Its hard not to think that someone put a curse on you as crazy as it seems thats exactly what im left to believe..

The car ride down to the hospital was more silent than ever before, we left kenny at home with the kids, Ace knows nothing about what happened to pastor troy, it would kill him.

i already take him to the grave yard to talk to mom and i just started him in therapy but i dont think he can handle knowing one more person may just be gone at such a young age.

When Joel called to say he had pastor troy in the theater and was about to do surgery on him my heart wretched ,

how in the world can someone call themself a human being and find it in their hearts to shoot up a church.. a church. a building for safety and protection, invaded like we are monsters.

There were children that died for goodness sake! The man was in his 70's he was a good man, he didn't deserve this.

As i pull into the car park at the hospital i look over to my left and see aaliyah, her head is turned to the window while her face rests in her palm, I can see her glassy eyes through the car mirror as she tries to shield her face from mine,

There's no music playing, the sky is a dull blue as the few birds fly around it bursting through the clouds, maybe they are a sign of the church members that died... flying away up into the sky to be with God...

I suck in a desperate tear as i carefully drop a heavy hand onto aaliyah's lap, even though i am hurting right now, she is too and i need to make sure she is good, always..

"You can stay in here for a while to relax while i go check on him.." I say while rubbing her thigh but she shakes my hand off of her,

"I can't relax maleek. How on earth does one relax when something like this happens?" She whispers still looking far out of the window,

"God is with us remember? We arent alone, Angel." I utter as i put my hand back on her thigh but she rolls her eyes at me while a tear drips

"When you have the whole armour of God on, who can be against us, remember? Just like we talked about after church a few weeks ago... ." I say while gripping onto her thigh gently,

"I really want to be strong maleek, but damnit i cant. I just.." Her words catch with her breath as she tries to swallow back her tears.

"You dont have to be strong, its okay to be weak sometimes my love, whenever you aren't feeling strong i will be that strength for you." Her head is still looking away from mine but when she takes a long blink shakes her head slowly it tells me she is too hurt to fake it.

"Thank you... because right now i... the news said *sniffle* they are still waiting for any type of update on his health, what if pastor troy died?" She finally turns her head over to mine swiftly as she bites down on her lip to shield emotion from coming out, Damn i hate seeing my girl like this

Tears begin to drop out of her eyes relentlessly as she weeps silently biting down on her bottom lip to mute her, her eyes are puffy and they quiver as she looks at me, trying to hold it all together,

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