Chapter 3

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Veronica's POV

My ears are ringing... I think more than the fact that she pointed at Barbados, the fact that these people take dares seriously and might go there is freaking me out...
Oh my god, there is no way I'm going there!! It's been a long time, and I do not plan to return! Not now, not ever!

"Hey girl, why are you staring like that? Isn't it your hometown??" Allison asked...

Wait- What!? No, there's been a misunderstanding!!

"Holy, what? No! Barbados is NOT my hometown!! I'm from Denver! I'm not from the Caribbean!! " I screamed in stress.

"Oh cool. You have lived there for a few years. What's the big deal?" Nino asked. 

"OH, I left that place because I don't like it okay? I hate the place! So, no! You all go, Je ne viens pas!"

"Gurly, It's a dare! We're all going together! Please?" Allison drawled.

No, I'm not going to Bridgetown again! I shook my head, as one hand flew to my forehead to rub it. I was in distress because I didn't know how to tell them what was going on in my head. Flashes of it all were slowly entering my mind, and I wasn't able to stop it. 

"Where did u live in Barbados? We can ask my sis to come, cos she is in Grenada... right now. I'm not sure which city though." Bree said. 

Oh great, is this pre-planned or something?? I'm not going, and if I do, I might seriously have a panic attack.

 "Look, hoomans, when I say I'm not going, I just am NOT GOING. And I've lived in Bridgetown, Bree, FYI." I scoff and wring my palms and fingers together. 

I walk backwards and sit on the bean bag.

 "Oh great! I texted my sister! She's in Grenville! And Alden! You're sis, Alair is there too!! At Grenville! Taylor and your sis are in the same shoot, My bro as your sister's brother in the role! Eeeekkk!!!"

"If my sis is there I'm not going either!" Alden exclaims after a moment of processing. 

Oo, I have company... And I might have forgotten to mention that dear Alden has a sweet twin sister, Alair. They both fight like cats and dogs. But Alair and Aubrey get along pretty well actually...

"Alden, Vera, c'mon, we can't not do it!"

"We can. Actually, it's my right. RIGHT TO FREE MOVEMENT. I don't want to move, so I'm not moving."

"Vera, what has that beautiful country done to you?"

Show me hell.

It's showed me hell.

But then again, they were right. The country never did anything to me. I only hate a certain number of people in a certain school. I don't necessarily have to meet them again.

But still, I'm not going.


"Alden! Please, hun, for me?" Bree batted at Alden.

"I'm going to message my mother. Then I'll go home, pack and be right back." Nino said and casually strolled out. A few seconds later, we heard the front door slam shut down stairs.

"The traitor." Alden mumbled loud enough.

Then they began pestering me and Alden again.

In the end, after a lot of argument, they convinced me and Alden to go with them... I have no idea how or why, but Allison and Bree can be very manipulative. I'll give them that.

After a lot of inner contemplation, and self-vows, I guess I decided to say OK.

The universe seemed to be working against me. Did it start revolving the wrong direction? 'Cuz it sure does feel like it!

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