Chapter 8

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Hello Guys!!  Luv y'all so much!! So I've decided to keep this book in Vera's POV until her past has been finally revealed!! So keep waitin' cos' I bet you shall see it soon... Ngl... even Idk when. it depends on my mood for the day actually... as in, whether I'm making long chapters or short ones...

 On with the story 


Vera's POV

We went to the hotel in a taxi while Andrea and the rest tagged behind in their car, Rayan Driving... since he's the eldest... Just the day before yesterday he'd turned 18... Ace would turn 18 in 9 more days........ Remind me why I even remember that. I sighed and was drowned in all the possibilities of upcoming events because they knew about me... Halfway through, Bree turned towards me and tapped my shoulder... I was staring out the window, zoned out... and she woke me up... I looked up at her and raised an eyebrow... 

"What ??" I asked with a slightly irritated tone. I was not in the mood to talk anymore.

"Why did you tell them that your name is Valerie?? What's wrong with Veronica??" She asked cautiously.

I looked down and fiddled with the edge of my shirt. Then I sighed and looked up at her. Everyone was staring at me intently, listening closely. I looked her straight in the eye.

"Look... I won't tell you much. But do you remember that the first 4 months you've known me, I was depressed so much about something, that when you asked my parents about it, my mom nearly cried, and my dad looked calm & furious as he only said that it was my story to tell??"

"Yeah, I thought you'd tell us why when you're completely in your um... comfort circle."

"Yes... I'll tell you about it soon... pretty soon. But all I'll tell you now is that Andrea, and the rest, I know them... and they were a part of it all... and that's all, okay?? Don't freak out." 

Everyone was staring shocked & Allison & Aiden looked sad & shocked and looked away.

"OMG girl, we can always cancel our plans with them and go by ourselves," Bree said... she was freaking out. I could tell she was sorry & sincere. 

"No look, it is completely fine, okay? There's no big deal... I can go through it... And, I can't be running from my past all my life, right?  I have to face it one way or the other..." 

"Are you sure you're, okay? I would have said no, but Bree butted in" Alisson said while she glared at Bree.

Bree glared back leaned back and looked out the window from the opposite direction. She was guilty, and I hated to think that it was my fault.

I gave a humorless laugh and put a 'thumbs up'.

After that, I just looked out the window as I remembered bad times, and then slowly, the good times drifted into my head... I couldn't help but smile. Just as I was smiling, a cone blue car came right beside my window... It was Rayan. 

My smile wiped off my face. Andrea was looking out the window and smiling at me slightly & kind of sadly. I felt afraid. But something in my head felt comforted by the familiarity... Comforted at the same time with my fear, I smiled out of habit and then snapped out... What the hell? Why did I just smile??...... I guess that smile was just... So amicable...

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