Chapter 7

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Hello guys!! I've decided that I will also keep this part as Vera's POV as she is the protagonist after all...

Okay, I know I'm late again, but-



Veronica's POV

For a split second, I stopped breathing...

This can't be right, can it? I mean, that simply cannot be... I've been gone for two years. I'd made it out alive... Sure, I've always wanted to face them and ask them why they did it. But I never dare to do it. 

I yearned for the good old days. But now I can only recall the worst.
Why me!? Oh, Lord! Why me !?!? 

Okay... Vera, take a deep breath... Now that you've taken a deep breath, what can you do? You've had run-ins with them... Consider a means to get away from them. What should I do? What should I do? 

"Hello, are you new around here, guys? I have never seen you before in this little town!" I came to a dead stop at the voice. Oh wow. She was incredibly sociable, which I had forgotten.

"We are here for two weeks, so we're not new. Aubrey here. All of these people are my friends. Our hometown is Paris. And you all?" Bree replied. She enjoyed interacting with others.

"I honestly haven't seen anyone come to Barbados in a long time!! My name is Andrea, and these are my incredibly stupidly doofus friends. Rayan, Jordan, and Ace"

"Well, at least you've seen us now." Is she going to introduce us? Nuh-Uh! 

Consider a different name... Vera, Valera, Valerie!! Yeah! That name does seem a bit familiar... Whatever the case may be, we simply need to find a way out!! I need to get out of this. 

"Alden is my boyfriend, and Alair is his sister. This is Allison, my best friend. And Nino is her boyfriend. That's my brother, Tyler, and this is my sister, Audrey. Oh, and she's -"

"Valerie !!" I nearly yelled... 

My heart was racing... So hard, I could hear it. Shit! 

" Y'know I luv to introduce myself, Bree," I said in a slightly squeaky voice as they all eyed me suspiciously. 

I looked and Allison and Alden with pleading eyes and slightly shook my head... Alden nodded while Allison sighed and giggled. 

"Hey," said, 'he' and waved... He loves his phone too much. 

Bree, Drey, Taylor, and Nino looked at me like I was Bonkers....... I noticed everyone was looking at me like that... Nino whispered in my ears:- 

"Ya know him?" OMG!!! I said that out loud!!!! Trust me to say that out loud, Shit Sherlock! I always do that when I'm not in my right senses. Everyone knew that. Even 'them'... And I said it in my regular voice!! 

I shook my head and said, "Sorry, Ig it was just kinda obvious he liked his mobile" I shrugged and said in that terrible squeaky voice. 

"Ookayy... And yes, he does love his phone. He used to talk more. But, you see, 3 years, no... 2, there was this girl-" 

"Rea" Rayan said in a warning tone and squinted his eyes at her ...while 'He' just glared at her
(I should start saying his name, Ace.) I know... but, he used to love his mobile before I came to Barbados. Then he got over his addiction after I came along, and we'd all gotten close... 

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