Chapter 16 Biography pt.4

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Hello !!

Welcome once again,

And let's get into this!


Andrea's POV

I felt tears prick my eyes as she talked, and I watched her...

I couldn't believe how much we'd hurt Veronica because we were afraid we'd hurt her and ... and we didn't even realize what we were doing was hurting her worse...

It was not called for ... I've missed her so much in the past few days.

Ace was the most affected than any of us. He like Vera a lot! And when Vera dated Damen, in order to keep his pain away and distract himself, he started dating that annoying Jacqueline...

And... he regrets everything he said to her. Every. Single. Word.

I know that after Vera left, he'd cry himself to sleep... And even though he keeps his cold demeanor around a lot and even though he became distant from all of us, I know how much he was affected, considering I was the one who comforted him one night when he had a nightmare... No one but Rayan knows of it, and- Even though we never talk about it, I know he still sobs some nights...

Rayan and Jordan ... well... they loved Vera like their sister... They loved her to bits. Just like how I love Ace as a brother, they both simply adored Vera and they still do. They were affected and I know they were highly sorrowful, and they didn't do anything to hide it either............

Vera slowly ended her part of the story, and Bree just looked at her with tears and covered her face... She was shaking... Allison had a shocked expression and the boys, well, they were calming their girlfriends... I carefully looked at Vera and noticed her bottom lip quivering. I put my palm on her shoulder and she looked at me... There was gratefulness in it for a second, but then I suddenly realized my mistake and before I could pull my hand back, she moved her shoulder away...

I looked down at my lap and from the corner of my eye, I noticed Ace and Rayan, and Jordan standing there .. and as I squinted, I noticed that Ace was on the verge of having his panic attacks again and Rayan and Jordan were in alarm... 

This was my cue to get up, I swiftly got up and rushed to the kitchen and grabbed a glass of water, and rushed to him as I started instructing him to breathe in and out the same way the doctor had told me to... and as he calmed down, I gave him the glass of water...

He looked up at me and then only did I notice his bloodshot red eyes and he looked at me with teary eyes and shook his head... I understood what he meant and as he finished the glass of water and slowly walked to the living room with Rayan & Jordan. I went behind them and we sat down, me beside Vera, the boys on a couch, and Vera's other group on another.

Slowly, Ace looked up and I could see Vera surprised at how red his eyes were...

She looked at him and his eyes softened for a mere second and he averted his gaze. And at the same time, she did too...

I have to talk... There's nothing else to do.

"Okay, Vera, I-I guess I'll tell the rest of all of it..."

I looked up at her and she looked at me gratefully...

Now I must do this. To win back Vera's Friendship. Though, it never will be the same...


Vera completely shut herself down... She didn't talk, smile, or anything. She came down for meals and would go back again. None of us knew what was happening. Then, on Monday, we went to school and Vera didn't as much as glance at us... The boys and I were getting worried AF!

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