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Do read the previous chapter(if you haven't read yet) before proceeding to read this one.


Trapped in this time alone
The scars inside won't heal
They take me here
On this endless path
Where I can't breathe.

The start and the end
Have meaninglessly disappeared.
No matter how much
I try to hold onto the broken dreams
They just scatter even more.

~ Ayana


She was getting ready for the function... the function she was eagerly waiting for.

Her dream engagement function.

Wearing the blood-red gown, she was admiring herself, imagining his possible reactions after seeing her, when she heard a sound... the sound of something hitting the window. At first, she ignored it but then the sounds repeatedly were heard. Frowning, she went towards the window and opened it.

There he was standing in the garden waving at her with his innocent smile.

'What are you doing here?'
She mouthed.

Instead of replying, he gestured to her to take out her phone. Confusedly, she took her phone out of the bed only to see his ten missed calls. Before she could call him, he called her.

"I'm so sorry. My phone was on silent mode."
Picking up the call, she said in one breath.
"Is everything alright? Why did you call so many times? Is-"

Interrupting her, he called her name.


"Stand by the window."

Without any protest, she stood by the window, with her phone attached to her ear.

"Twirl around."

He commanded, making her frown.


"Just do it."

Although she was confused, she still did as she was told.

"My fiance is looking splendid, totally out of the world."
He commented, making her frown to be replaced with a full-blown smile.

"I'm The Ayana Malik."
She smugly said before bursting into laughter.
"Of course, I'll look splendid."

"But why are you here?"
Once she stopped laughing, she repeated her question. The engagement function was happening downstairs. Instead of being there, he was here.

"Because I wanted to be the first one to see you."
He said on the phone, making her blush.

"Now that I saw you, I should head back or else only God knows what your possessive brothers will do to me if they spot me here."
He said jokingly, making her chuckle.

"Did you come here just to get a glimpse of me?"
She questioned as her heart started to beat fast.

"Yes. Just to see... my sweetheart."
Her eyes widened as it was the first time he used an endearment.

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